Good Planted Setup?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 27, 2011
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Hi im in the process of aquascaping for the first time and was wondering if these plants were good eough for the standard t8 setup on my 125l Juwel Rio 125?

What ive got for the tank:
2 x catfish
1 x silver plec
1 x Pakistani loach
7 x danios, striped and golden mix

Fish to get for the tank:
6 platys
6 cherry barbs
6 tiger barbs

Plants got in tank:
1x Anubias barteri nana on driftwood
10 x java fern on rocks and large pieces of drift wood


Monosolenium tenerum on smaller stones (carpet effect)

Would this be ok with my current setup? As far as i can see the are all low demand plants. I dont use co2 at this moment but will be soon and i have the standard light on one and the UV on the other. Any help welcome.

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