Good Place For Fry?


Jack Of All Trades
Jul 11, 2009
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since id do want to see fry in my tank at some point i want to add these in to let survivors a chance to live
Posted Today, 04:59 PM

also i want to add these souvenirs i got from san diego old town, they are made out of polished stone. i want add them in because they have fry sized holes so fry go in and have cover and other fish cant go in to munch, heres what ima talking about.


the big blob is the biggest fish i have for now, the medium ish blob is the smallest fish, and the teeny gray dot is fry sized
can some one also post a pic of a pregnant balloon molly?i want to compare and my camera is too bad to post pics of fish.

ok i am heating it up to get rid of any debris and then ill cool it down before placing it in.

and i think my molly is going to drop she has a tuby thing out of her since the last few days and the male is pestering her allot. but not so much as to chase her, like a usual bicker but more often
um when i heated the "stone" it turned white? but if i rub it really hard it goes back to its usual color?

would it still be safe?
she looks like that. but with a tube. is the statues ok? if they get dry they turn white, but if in water they turn grey and when i put them in water for the first time they lost their presumbly fake brown color and turned gray. my dad says its suppodsed to do that, so i put in my tank water in the testing bowl and after 24hrs will test to see any differences, if nothing happens then ill put them in as she looks like dropping soon.

and her body looks like an upside down rounded out trapezoid as well
Yes the statues will be ok. If your molly has a tube then it's her birthing tube which means that yes she is ready to drop. Good luck.
My livebearers are flirting in the wierd way fish do, i was wondering how long has it taken for your molly to get to the stage its at ? oh and good luck ! :D
My livebearers are flirting in the wierd way fish do, i was wondering how long has it taken for your molly to get to the stage its at ? oh and good luck ! :D

How are your fry doing evobe?
o i honestly do not know, 1 day i was wondering why they haventt had babies, asked here and was told they never had a chance with my stocking, meanwhile i was browsing around the sector and found a pic of a prego balon molly ready to drop, at first on my molly i only noticed trapezoidal body then today the tube and figured why not?

but overall i literally just noticed her pregnancy and hope she hasnt give birth yet, ill be putting in the things today after i make sure they arent highering the ph or any stuff like that.
they did lower the ph to around 7.2 instead of 7.4, but it doesnt matter. and what are tell tale signs of "literally about to drop in 5 minutes?" and would a net suspended in the water be a good barrier between the other fish and them? i only have a 1 gallon death bowl at hand so it is definatley not adequate for them.
I wouldn't mess with your ph,7.4 seems fine,mine is nearly 8,and my livebearers still drop fry continuosly.

Regarding your stones not sure,i think some stones can be put in vinegar to see if they fizz,if it does then they're not good to put in.(i may be wrong..)

Has long has you've got plenty of plants etc they may have a chance
iv just been reading thru some threads hear and it seems my molly is still in th early stages, but i think its wierd that she has a tube out for a few days
artifical moss balls work well (some are made with tiny gaps into a hollow center that only fry can get into)


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If you are keeping common fish shop mollies, do not lower your pH. I find that the typical inter-species crosses available in a fish shop do best with water that is high in pH and high in mineral content. My own tanks run around 7.8 pH with a TDS of around 300 ppm and all of my livebearers not only survive but thrive and fill their tanks quickly with fry.

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