Good News!can I Get Some Pics?

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I think if your mom is that against having the fish shipped..that is why she is using those excuses as a leverage, in attempt to keep you from ordering them. NOw that it's too cold to ship priority...she sure isn't gonna wanna do it. Now you have to use Express...and it's usually $17+ for a box of up to 6 fish.

Just go to your LFS and buy some...I'm sure there are other places tha sell fish..just look in the Yellow Pages. You'd be surprised what LFS's can be tucked away in places you never thought your local cities.
Please, please listen to us Mac ~ why even ask questions if you're not going to consider the advice??

I am currently spawning 2 Bettas, as we speak. I've been sitting in the spawning room almost since the second I put them in there ~ I even ate in there :look:!! They are in a large, shallow 10 gallon with 15 large, expensive live plants in and hiding places. The male has already put at least 3 GOOD nips on the female ~ they go back and fourth flaring at each other and attacking each other, except when they're under the nest spawning. ONLY when they're spawning are the female and male half-way decent with each other ~ otherwise they're basically out for blood. Neither of them has slept, nor do they have any interest in food, and they're both getting exhausted. Keeping a male and female together is ONLY for spawning!!!! I cannot emphasize this enough, they WILL kill each other, especially if they do end up spawning when you aren't paying attention to them, the male will most definitely try to kill her to protect the eggs.

I'm thinking of posting a video to show you exactly how aggressive these fish are, particularly the boys. Females ALONE are highly territorial and only special, super docile females should be kept together. I would NEVER put my spawning female in a community tank, because she's quite dominant and would probably be constantly picking on other girls.

I personally do not think you're mature enough to keep ANY Bettas together, even in a female community. You have to be mature and logical enough to decide what females would work well together, not just throw them into a tank together because you want to. I'm 17 (which I'm guessing is around your age), I take full responsibility for my fish and I would NEVER put them in a deadly situation just for my convenience ~ I knew that when I was 12 ~ and I think you're doing exactly that, putting your Bettas into a most likely deadly situation just so that you won't have to buy 2 tanks or whatever. Here's an idea... why don't you get a 2.5g or whatever, put a nice sturdy divider in (which will cost you about $3, hopefully that isn't too expensive for you...) and then you can have the female and the male in the same tank and safely on seperate sides! :grr: It'd save their lives!! You need to think about these animals, fish might seem like feelingless disposable things that you can toy with just for fun or for convenience, but they deserve a happy life just like any dog or cat does. Male Bettas WERE NOT MEANT to live with other Bettas! Holy freakin crap. I don't know how much more we can say this... would you keep a male and a female Tiger together 24/7 in a cage? NO. They're solitary animals, only coming together to mate and then going on their way. It isn't fair to keep them together for life.
No, I do consider you guys advice trust me.

DaSauce~can I really put my female in right now? Sweet.

I'm going to try that all fish store tomorrow so I'm sure they'll have a couple plakat girls :nod:
Looks like I won't be able to order bettas from people online now anyway, because it's getting colder. So I will go to get some girls tomorrow and if they dont have any, I'll get them at Wal-Mart.

Splasluff~I personally do not think you're mature enough to keep ANY Bettas together, even in a female community. You have to be mature and logical enough to decide what females would work well together, not just throw them into a tank together because you want to. I'm 17 (which I'm guessing is around your age), I take full responsibility for my fish and I would NEVER put them in a deadly situation just for my convenience ~ I knew that when I was 12 ~ and I think you're doing exactly that, putting your Bettas into a most likely deadly situation just so that you won't have to buy 2 tanks or whatever. Here's an idea... why don't you get a 2.5g or whatever, put a nice sturdy divider in (which will cost you about $3, hopefully that isn't too expensive for you...) and then you can have the female and the male in the same tank and safely on seperate sides! It'd save their lives!! You need to think about these animals, fish might seem like feelingless disposable things that you can toy with just for fun or for convenience, but they deserve a happy life just like any dog or cat does. Male Bettas WERE NOT MEANT to live with other Bettas! Holy freakin crap. I don't know how much more we can say this... would you keep a male and a female Tiger together 24/7 in a cage? NO. They're solitary animals, only coming together to mate and then going on their way. It isn't fair to keep them together for life.

I was thinking of doing that, so I'll try to get that for Christmas.And yes I am mature enough I've kept fish together in hostile conditions before but I smoothed out the rough edges and they lived a long good life. And yes I know about fish, but I'm A.D.D. and I forget things very easily, the only reason I asked is because once I heard of a person putting a male and female in a 5 gallon tank together and they said that they got along good until they died of old age, so don't be jumping down my throught, I was just curious, that's what people are, it's in their nature just like greed and jelousy, and hate and love.
Mature, responsible people make considered choices and are not ruled by their baser emotions and instincts. I chose to love. I chose to work out my anger with anger management skills. I chose to attempt politeness. I try not to let others manipulate me with emotions like hate, anger. lust, greed, jealousy, etc.

If I thought you were irredeemable, I would not bother. You are proving your intentions and good goals daily by chosing to be here instead of a bad place. And you put up with us telling you what we think and correcting you.

I'm proud of you. :D

Suggestion: Get a divider, divide your ten gal in two parts, put a male on one side and a female on the other. You will be entertained. They will put on a show for you and be happy. Make sure the divider is secure.

Ask how to make the divider with Walmart stuff from the crafts section. It will be a good project. You will have plenty of decor and all you need to make a lovely split home for the couple. Next Spring you can start work on your sorority tank with betta babes from forum members. It sounds long away, but it will pass quickly enough. One day at a time, MaC.

AHHHHHHHH!!!!!! :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: I put my female in there about 35 minutes ago, and let me tell you, it's like putting yoda beside of the incredable Hulk. :hyper: She loves it. Dashing in and out of caves and hiding behind plants, it is so adorable.
Wonderful!! There was a good plan to be found after all.

Now down to business:

I'llhave pictures up in about a week. Me and my mom are going to the all fish store tomorrow like I said earlier to get about 5 more females, then......I will finally be the proud owner of a sorority tank! :hyper: :lol: :fun: :nod: :wub: :ninja: :eek:sama: :band: :fish: :fish: :drink: :drink: :drink: :hooray: :kana: :kana: :santa: :wizard:

P.S. I don't know if you guys can tell but I'm just a little on the excited side :fun: :hyper: :hyper: :) :) :) :) :D :D :D
I was just reading one of the old replies in here and when I said that I was cycling the tank with a tetra, I meant that I was thinking of cycling the tank with a tetra. Sorry for the type-o :*)
I was thinking of doing that, so I'll try to get that for Christmas.And yes I am mature enough I've kept fish together in hostile conditions before but I smoothed out the rough edges and they lived a long good life. And yes I know about fish, but I'm A.D.D. and I forget things very easily, the only reason I asked is because once I heard of a person putting a male and female in a 5 gallon tank together and they said that they got along good until they died of old age, so don't be jumping down my throught, I was just curious, that's what people are, it's in their nature just like greed and jelousy, and hate and love.

-_- kay... Honestly, I'm not trying to jump down your throat or whatever. Its just, like, you repeated the same question ("can I keep a male and female together permanently?") and people kept saying no and you seemed like you didn't care much what very, very experienced Betta keepers said at all. And, I do not mean to hurt your feelings, but experienced fish people who CAN keep fish together in "hostile conditions" usually remember to cycle a community tank ;)... seriously, my advice is to do much more homework, do a really thorough fishless cycle on your tank (with pure ammonia), and don't rush into it like you have to do it NOW. Just settle down :nod:

Also, just to get my point across even more that Betta boys are horrible, vicious creatures, here's pics from before and after my spawn. Kula was in there with my boy for about 18 hours ~ totally supervised, slowly introduced, with tons of cover and everything. She was annihilated!! It will take at least 3-4 weeks for her to fully heal. Her finnage is so gone, and when she stopped producing eggs when he was embracing with her, he chased her down and bit off scales! And this is after 18 hours. Imagine with male/female Bettas constantly living together, constantly in danger of their lives.

Before (taking about 1 hour before spawning, she was perrrfeccct :sad: ) ~

After (right after removing her) ~
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