Good Fish For Apartment Living?

Now if you want to a 20.. that opens things up :)
Being a huge puffer guy and currently having twelve pygmy Cory I actually would not recommend them for you situation. They are more demanding than apartment life life allows for, especially if you are going to school.
I dont find pygmy corys to be a lot of work chad?
I'm not going for them I merely suggested them! And wrong I was in doing so lol
Whoa, whoa, guys, I'm brand new here, no need to get all dramatic! I'M certainly not gonna judge you. So DPs work for some people but are a bit risky for beginners: this is good information for me to have. I'm probably going to go with the betta option. That's actually what I was thinking before I posted on here; I was just looking for some more input from some more serious hobbyists. 
And I have corys already, so if they're a bad choice for beginners, they clearly haven't been told. They haven't been told to have tea parties, either, if for no other reason than that PETA would assassinate me for that.
Don't worry, LonelyPigeon; fishkeepers can be quite an argumentative lot! Fishkeeping is an art, as well as a science, so opinions do vary :)
Normal cories are pretty hardy, it's more the dwarf/pygmy varieties that are more delicate.
I would go for dwarf cichlids, rather than a betta, if I were you, but I'm a cichlid fan :D
LonelyPigeon said:
Whoa, whoa, guys, I'm brand new here, no need to get all dramatic! I'M certainly not gonna judge you. So DPs work for some people but are a bit risky for beginners: this is good information for me to have. I'm probably going to go with the betta option. That's actually what I was thinking before I posted on here; I was just looking for some more input from some more serious hobbyists. 
And I have corys already, so if they're a bad choice for beginners, they clearly haven't been told. They haven't been told to have tea parties, either, if for no other reason than that PETA would assassinate me for that.
Personally I told mine to and they didn't listen very well. :( 
For the dwarf cichlids - this is Clyde, my German blue ram: (not best colors, she was a little stressed)

For bettas.. this is Sushi, my betta:

I would say i am definitely more attached to my betta. I don't know what it is about them but bettas are very unique fish to me.
Yea sorry bout that! Silly stuff! Were u thinking male or a sorority! Girls can be just as feisty but do well in larger groups. They also come just as bright and colorful as the males!
SamB said:
I dont find pygmy corys to be a lot of work chad?
They just have a tendency not to like changes in water parameters and do well when fed live foods. It's nothing major, but when I think of a tank for an apartment lifestyle I really try to think of something as elegant as possible with as little effort as can be. The cory really are going to want plants to hide in etc. That's all.
As for the dwarf puffers I say know them (even though they are close to my favorite fish) because they really require clean water and do best when fed on snails. Though they will eat blood worms too it's just the apartment aspect of it.
Well I'm just going to have to say a betta too :D
Funny SamB beat me to it. If you get a 20g I would get a German Blue Ram. They prefer soft water ..didn't see if you replied with your water perams but thats what I would get if I were you. Planted heavily though. And you will not be in college forever so you can eventually get a mate for it and a larger tank.
That's the thing, I don't know water perams cuz I don't have a tank set up, cycled, bought, or any of that jazz. I was just looking for some ideas. :) I'm probably not going to do a single fish that needs 20 gallons. 
I have had a pair in twenty gallons.

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