Good Fish For Apartment Living?

You could not fit 5-6 dwarf puffers in a ten.. You could maybe have 3!

I also nominate a betta as your best option - if you go in the betta section I did a list in there of things you need to care for a betta. They can be incredibly interactive, my ex has hers trained to know when she taps the food twice on the desk by the tank, it's feeding time. The fish swims from wherever he is in the tank to the top where he is fed every day! Shrimp might work, or they might be a pricey snacks best to check out your bettas temperament first. Pygmy corys are a great option. Ottocinclus catfish (6+ as they are schoolers) are another one. They are algae eaters.
That's not what I read when I was doing my research into these fish! Different people always say different things!
From reading up on other people's experience they can get along if there is enough space to swim about and have a hiding place each and plants for cover! The main issue is that they're messy eaters and require more maintenance! But from research I wouldn't claim to be the expert! I opted for a betta sorority after all!!
kazc31, your research aside, there would only be one way you could keep more than 2 DP's, and that would be 1 male, and 2 females.  Where you are getting 5-6 is an insane number, and it has nothing to do with filtration, these are not big fish.  I keep a sexed pair in a 5gallon which is on the EXTREMELY tight side, 3 gallons per fish really is the bare minimum, it has to do with territorial issues. 
in a 10 gallon, any more than 1 male will die whether is be from eventual stress or by being killed by the other, and i would house no more than 2 more females with him, this would be a perfect ratio and would probably result in some baby fry!
Just Must have gotten lucky then these other people!! Who knows!!
And unlucky fish I guess!!
It is not about lucky or unlucky, any experienced dwarf puffer fish keeper will tell you the exact same thing, in fact they will tell you MANDATORY 5 GALLONS PER FISH, which is clearly an overshot, 3 is already people like us figuring out exactly how little space they need and how many we can shove into the tank before its insanely too much.
Saying it has to do with luck, is like saying hey lets take this revolver, 3/4 of the chambers are filled with bullets but lets shoot for getting lucky and it landing on one of the 1/4 of chambers so we don't die.  Yes there is a chance more fish would be possible, maybe 3 females could work with the right planting conditions, but I assure you, you are not going to know which are males or females in the fish store you purchase them in, so it will be a total crapshoot and surely you are going to experience fatalities in this size tank trying to work out the maximum number of fish.
Moral of the story is - OP, Dwarf puffers are risky. If you're in an apartment (hazarding a guess that you're a college student like myself) - you might want to consider something a little safer / easier
Please... I think enough has been said I get the picture. Get high n mighty why don't you. Makes ur self feel better. And in case you didn't read it properly I never mentioned it do be down to luck! Atall so forget about putting words in my mouth as the saying goes! get over urself! No need to be over dramatic. Besides I said I'm only goin by things i read im open to learning but less of that kind of approach is needed!
kazc31 said:
Please... I think enough has been said I get the picture. Get high n mighty why don't you. Makes ur self feel better. And in case didn't read it properly I never mentioned it do be down to luck! Atall so forget about putting words in my mouth as the saying goes! get over urself! No don't to be dramatic!
I don't think anyone meant to cause offense here - I am sorry you got offended.
Not by you, annoys me when people get high n mighty! Were all learning which is why we come on this sight for sure, and if it's to help enlighten people thats hardly the appropriate approach!
I am not sure if you are referring to me, I am not all high and mighty, I just have experience in keeping dwarf puffers, and when you inquire on a forum for information, expect to get good information and not for people to tell you exactly what you wanted to hear.  If that is what you are looking for then yes, stick 5-6 dwarf puffers into you 10 gallon tank, everything will be wonderful, they will all have little tea parties and blow eachother kisses.   If you want good advice, then go out and buy 3 dwarf puffers as 10g is the perfect size for 3, and they will make great pets for you!!

Some people have had success adding 2 ottos to their 3 dwarf puffers in the 10g sized aquarium, this is the ideal nanotope for the river these little guys come out of in india!
It's the sarcasm I'm reffering to and I did go onto forums which is were I found out the supposed information in the first place! I'm not going against what uve said it's ur attitude towards promoting it! U sound like a child because everyone knows fish like to drink tea and blow kisses! Why havnt ur fish!
:sigh: ok guys.. take it outside. let's get this thread back on topic.
I apologize I shall waste no more words on the matter. A female sorority is great for a 10gal very inquisitive little creatures!

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