Good Beginner Fish?

FoundMoney said:
Raechal said:
I bought some party mice from a LPS...
I want to know what a party mouse is? :dunno: :rofl:
Well, a party mouse is a normal mouse that likes to go to parties!

What you do is:

1. Buy four cages, which all connect.
2. Buy a few mice for each cage
3. Buy a 24'er of Moosehead
4. Buy miny "50 cent" cd
5. Put it in one of the cages, then turn the volume up
6. Set the beer out in open veiwing area
7. Wait for the mice to migrate to the party cage
8. Watch the mice "get down" rodent style

DB :fish:
lol i might not put a 50 cent cd in there cause the mice might go gangster crazy and the black mice will shoot up the white mice......
Does any one agree with me on swordtails. Just get all males. They are easy to distinguish. The males have the "sword" tail and the females dont. Plus they are really hardy and Look cool
snar - even tho that might not have been the most p.c. comment to make it nearly made me spit my soda on my screen. Quite uproarious.

Good advice on what fish to get:
1 male betta, in a nice bowfront 5 gallon tank and you're in business.
Get a nice little Hydor Mini Tank heater, a couple of silk plants and you're good to go. I believe the bowfront tanks run (at my lps anyway) around 35$, the silk plants are anywhere from 2 - 10 $, and the heaters are from 10 - 15$.

When you go to buy your fish, look for one that doesn't have ripped, torn, holey or shredded fins, and is pretty active when you pick up his little cup.

Just do your homework on the water changing, feeding and what to look for in bettas and you're good to go.
snar said:
lol i might not put a 50 cent cd in there cause the mice might go gangster crazy and the black mice will shoot up the white mice......
so, like, what would happen to the little spotty mice? :p

:unsure: that i think of it, i can't remember ever seeing an all-black "party mouse".

i saw one that looked like a cow once. :huh: mooooooo.... :alien:

MAN i love emoticons...
BettaMomma said:
snar - even tho that might not have been the most p.c. comment to make it nearly made me spit my soda on my screen. Quite uproarious.

Good advice on what fish to get:
1 male betta, in a nice bowfront 5 gallon tank and you're in business.
Get a nice little Hydor Mini Tank heater, a couple of silk plants and you're good to go. I believe the bowfront tanks run (at my lps anyway) around 35$, the silk plants are anywhere from 2 - 10 $, and the heaters are from 10 - 15$.

When you go to buy your fish, look for one that doesn't have ripped, torn, holey or shredded fins, and is pretty active when you pick up his little cup.

Just do your homework on the water changing, feeding and what to look for in bettas and you're good to go.
u cna get a 10 gallon for 10 dollars and add gravel and stuff for cheaper than a bowfront 5 so if u dont want to keep fish for ever u wont be oput a lot of money
pica_nuttalli said:
snar said:
lol i might not put a 50 cent cd in there cause the mice might go gangster crazy and the black mice will shoot up the white mice......
so, like, what would happen to the little spotty mice? :p

:unsure: that i think of it, i can't remember ever seeing an all-black "party mouse".

i saw one that looked like a cow once. :huh: mooooooo.... :alien:

MAN i love emoticons...
Actually the one I had that gave birth to 14 babies was all black. I guess you could say she was quite the little partier. Dad was isolated in his own 10 gallon because he partied way too much. Although he was a better mom than the real mother of the babies. The mom started to attack the babies so we carefully scooped them all out (with a cup making sure not to touch them, we scooped up the whole corner of bedding) and put them in with dad as that was they only safe place to put them as of now. Dad layed on top of them and tried to nurse them. The all clung onto dad as if he was the mom. I think Dad liked it. :blink: :wub: I then put the mom back in with the dad and the babies. The Dad attacked her everytime she would get aggressive with the babies.

It was fun to watch the babies crawl out of the nest and try to walk around, stumbling into things since their eyes weren't even open yet. The dad mouse would freak out and pick them up with his mouth and run them back to their corner. By the time he picked up one and put it back in, another one would crawl out halfway across the 10 gallon.

They all had to be taken back to the LPS though...To make a long story short let's just say Dad liked to party with his (very young) daughters a little too much. :lol:

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