Good Beginner Fish?


New Member
Feb 19, 2005
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My mom says that I can have a fish if I can take care of it...As a person who never had a fish for a pet...what's a good beginner fish? :p
i would say either zebra or leopard danios, they are nearly impossible to kill
Fish are a great to watch and fun to have but they need you to pay attention to them every day, are you ready for that? You can't forget to feed them so make sure every time you brush your teeth remember to feed the fish.

Your best bet for a start:

Get 2 goldfish, a big fishbowl and every week you change 1/2 the water with clean filtered water, not Poland Spring but Britta filter water. Put the water in the pitcher at night and the next day pour it in after you take out 1/2 the water to refill it. Pour VERY SLOW!!!!

Goldfish are great because they like kids and you can get funny ones, like this crazy one with the googly eyes.

Once you can prove to your parents you are serious, they might let you keep tropicals. Then I recommend BALA Sharks, they are the coolest. :cool:

Good luck!
First of all, what size is the tank? Do you have a filter, heater, lights etc? I am guessing the tank isn't cycled yet?
Blue Lobster said:
Your best bet for a start:

Get 2 goldfish, a big fishbowl...
You're joking, right? :huh:

What size tank are you looking at getting? If it's 5 gallon or under, I'd go for a betta... they're a great starter fish! With something like a 10 gallon you could get zebra or leopard danios, like bluefire suggested, or maybe some platies. Make sure you read the pinned threads in the beginner section to help you with setting up and cycling your tank ;)
Good luck with the new fish!
IMo swordtails are the absolute best beginner fish. They are nearly impossible to kill ( like danios) but look much nicer. Mine lived from the time of the cycle to about a month ago when my betta killed it. I am probly getting another one though.
Don't buy two goldfish and put them in a fishbowl. They need at least a 40 gallon tank.

in the 2.5 to 5 gallon tank range- you could easily get a betta and maybe two ghost shrimp.
in the 5 to 10 gallon- not a wide variety..small gouramis, betta, various schools of tetras.

Of course, your looking for easy fish. Most guppies are nearly impossible to kill while others aren't. Bettas are pretty hardy but you can only keep one per tank.

Have you read the pinned topics? They can tell you alot.
Synirr said:
Blue Lobster said:
Your best bet for a start:

Get 2 goldfish, a big fishbowl...
You're joking, right? :huh:

What size tank are you looking at getting? If it's 5 gallon or under, I'd go for a betta... they're a great starter fish! With something like a 10 gallon you could get zebra or leopard danios, like bluefire suggested, or maybe some platies. Make sure you read the pinned threads in the beginner section to help you with setting up and cycling your tank ;)
Good luck with the new fish!
I wasn't, I figured they would grow and the kid would upgrade to a larger tank.
Don't listen to what blue lobster said, It was extremely bad advice.

Bala sharks grow huge and goldfish don't belong in bowls, Get yourself a 20 gallon long tank, or a 39 or even a 55. Bigger tanks are easier to keep, then get yourself some danios, maybe some gouramis, and corries. Then you'll have diversity and happy fish
Gold fish need big tanks atleast a 30 gallon IMO. If you have atleast a 10 gallon go for danios, good hardy active fish.

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