I printed this out a while ago, but just came across it again. I think that it is almost a must-read if you want to understand the language of science. That is, the difference between the scientific use of the word "theory" and the common usage of theory as hunch or intuition. It is written by a former President of the American Physical Society and member of the U.S. Academy of Sciences -- two of the highest honors scientists living in the US can achieve. It is a little heavy on physics examples -- as you might expect -- but the point remains the same. I highly recommend taking a look.

I printed this out a while ago, but just came across it again. I think that it is almost a must-read if you want to understand the language of science. That is, the difference between the scientific use of the word "theory" and the common usage of theory as hunch or intuition. It is written by a former President of the American Physical Society and member of the U.S. Academy of Sciences -- two of the highest honors scientists living in the US can achieve. It is a little heavy on physics examples -- as you might expect -- but the point remains the same. I highly recommend taking a look.