Goldfish w/ Loud air pumps/filters


Fish Crazy
May 13, 2020
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Goldfish with noise.

I'm trying to eliminate causes of distress. The 3 goldfish I now have are sometimes active and sometimes not. I cannot exactly tell if the air pump and filter are related. They are a little loud.

Any experienced goldfish keepers know if they're sensitive to vibration/noise and need quiet filters or are they generally ok with noise?
Goldfish can be quite lazy in my experience. They just eat and poop all day. Unless you're tank is next to the TV on on top of a subwoofer I wouldn't worry that's noise has anything to do with it.
Is the pump on the aquarium?
If yes, then move it to a higher place so it doesn't vibrate on the cover of the tank.

I have never had issues with any fish (including goldfish) being stressed by air pumps running in the room or bubbles in the water. In fact the bubbles help most fish feel more relaxed because there is water moving instead of still water.

I keep air pumps on a shelf well above the aquariums and where they can't fall into the aquarium.

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