Goldfish in 5 gallon??


Fish Aficionado
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
Near Madison, WI
I have an empty 5 gallon tank staring at me.

Can I put a goldfish or 2 in it?

I will be starting from scratch with the water, so I'll have to cycle it and everything but I might want goldfish.

Or do i?
I suppose you could put him in there if you had really good filtration and did weekly water changes. Goldfish can get past 10 inches so he wouldn't fit in a 5 gallon for long. :no: I am keeping my black moor in a 10 gallon right now as he is only 2 inches long. He will get his own 30 gallon once he starts to grow. :thumbs:
Unfortunately, goldfish produce waaaaaay too much waste for a 5g. :/ I would go with some dwarf platies! (Well, they are orange... :p)
I've heard either 1 goldfish per 10 gallons -- or -- I've also heard 20 gallons for the first goldfish, 10 gallons for each additonal goldfish. From what I've seen, the bigger the better, and LOTS of filtration.

Maybe you could keep one in the 5 gallon for a while :dunno:, but as it grows, you'll probably have to upgrade to a bigger tank (at least 10 gallon, or better yet 15-20 gal).
didnt you just get the 5 gallon for your betta?
Yea, I believe it is one goldfish per 20 gallons and the 10 gallons per each goldfish after that. So a 30 gallon would be able to house 2 goldfish. I have one goldfish (Toggle) in my 10 gallon and I have to do water changes every couple days since he only has a small filter on his tank.
I wouldn't put a goldfish in it-You will just have to get a bigger tank later. Also, as every one else said-they produce a lot of waste. I am looking after 5 goldfish (3 10" and 2 3") in a 35 and a 15 gallon and they are the first tanks to get real dirty.
I would stick with a betta or something small
wrs @ Posted: Mar 17 2005, 07:40 PM

didnt you just get the 5 gallon for your betta?

Yep, but it stressed him out so much that he died.
No more bettas for that tank for me.

OoOooOooooh dwarf platies. I saw some of those at PetSmart the other day.

I'm going to have to a whole tank recycle.
That sucks.
Just a thought...
when you set up the hex 5 gal fill it with water from some of your existing 1,500 5 gal tanks :)P), put a filter on the hex from an existing tank and put the new filter on the existing tank and maybe even add a little ‘old‘ substrate to the hex. This way you will have the proper bacteria in both (all) of your tanks. It might take a day or two for the bacteria to situate itself in the tanks whose filters you messed with, but I think you’ll do fine ;)
Maybe a dwarf puffer? Ooh, get a pair of killies! Cape Lopez lyretails are :drool: And you can get 2 (a breeding pair) in a 5 gallon.
Or a trio of honey gouramies... plant the tank heavily and maybe put in a few cherry shrimp in for extra color :) Make sure the filter's good though.

Water contains none of the beneficial bacteria - so if you're going to 'clone' a tank to cycle instantly, use filter media from an established tank and/or gravel and make sure you add a food source (a fish or pure ammonia) to keep the bacteria alive untile your tank is stocked.
Why does starting up a darn fishtank have to be so complicated?

I think that's why I love bettas so much.
Buy the whole darn setup, and dump them in an hour later.

Can you guys post me some pics of cool tank setups with sweet fish in them that'd' work in a 5 gallon tank? I know i'm asking for the world with that one request, but it's worth trying to ask for it. :)
while we are on the subject, Ive always seen the goldfish you win at the fair...the tiny ones.You Know the ones you use to feed pirahnas and stuff? what about those? do they get huge too?
amazingbioloboydp said:
while we are on the subject, Ive always seen the goldfish you win at the fair...the tiny ones.You Know the ones you use to feed pirahnas and stuff? what about those? do they get huge too?
even bigger.

it is still a goldfish you know.

Those ones get to be about 2 feet or so.

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