Golden Sucking Loach


New Member
Aug 29, 2007
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Can anyone tell me whether there is anything wrong with my sucking loach? He has started to develop dark patches on both of his sides (from his middle to his tail only). He seems fine - eating well, exploring, swimming etc. but i have noticed these patches over the last week or so. I thought maybe he was constipated but he seems to be going to the loo ok.

Am i worrying over nothing?

All water levels are ok.

Many thanks in advance,

can you post a picture of the fish?

Chinese algae eaters will sometimes change colour a bit as they grow. This is common in the gold, albino and pink forms, and they develop a few dark markings from their original heritage, (wild fish are brown with blotches/ dark markings).
If the markings are black and appear to be on the skin, it could be chemical burns from something in the water.
wait until it"s a bit older and bigger, you might not feel the same about it :)
Don't say that! I have read some of the horror stories on here and hope that he will not turn out to be a nasty one too! He is very sweet and always come to the front of the tank when i sit nearby. We did have two but they kept chasing each other and eventually the other one died, since then he seems to have settled down and keeps to himself in his little tunnel under the rock. Will he just "turn" one day? :unsure:
Algae eaters can turn nasty when they mature. It's not normally a problem unless there are other algae eaters in the tank. Then the dominant one will bully the others. They do it to defend their territory/ patch of algae. They don't want competitors coming into their area and eating their food. Unfortunately they don't realise there is an unlimited supply of food going into the aquarium, so they just chase any competitors away.
So do you think my Bristlenose and two other catfish will become threats eventually? :sad:

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