Golden Mystery Snail Shell Turning White

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Mostly New Member
Aug 17, 2016
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I added a snail about a week and a half ago but it's shell is turning white now. iI's acting the same as it was, moving all over the tank and everything. Does anyone know what would cause this?
Very soft water, distilled, or RO water can cause this by etching away the outer layers of the shell.  If this continues it could kill the snail.  Acidic water can also do this.  What is your PH, GH (water hardness), and KH (alkalinity)?
I actually have been using distilled water so that's likely what it is? I currently don't have a way to test the water so I can't give you any measurements. Should I do a big water change or something?
Straight distilled water is not suitable/safe for any fish or snails, whats wrong with your tap water.
There's nothing wrong with my tap water. I was using tap water until I was given what was apparently bad advice. I'm going to stop using the distilled water though.
Note in some rare cases tap water may be very soft and cause shell erosion.  Only way to know for sure is to test your water.   The only other thing you can do its to got to your water utility web page and look up the water quality test report.  It should list water hardness as well as many other parameters.  RO and distilled water can be used if it is remineralized first.  If you can use your tap water, use it.  RO and distilled water is the better choice  only  if your water is too hard, toxic, very high or low ph, or has high levels nitrate or phosphate. 
As to your snail the damaged shell will probably never get its color back.  However any new shell growth should have color.
I guess it'll give my snail a unique look at least. I did find the water quality test report but it is kinda disorganized and I don't think it lists the parameters that it should.
Just updating to let people know that my snail has regained some coler, I'm guessing that's due to shell growth.

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