Gold Rams

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New Member
Aug 12, 2003
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NSW, Australia
i recently purchased two gold rams and love them. i wanted to try my hand at breeding them but i'm not sure how to tell what sex they are. i was wondering if anyone new how to tell if the yare male or female.

thanks a lot.
Sexing Golden Rams is Fairly Difficult in young fish.
However it is not impossible..... The Males tend to be larger than the Females & often have the 2nd or 3rd spine elongated on the dorsal fin.

The Females tend to be smaller than the Males , also the female is more rounded in the belly & when in breeding condition the Female's Belly will become pink or red.

Hope this helps

Chenz. :)
yeah thanks its helped heaps. i think i got 2 male. i heard that finding female gold rams is next to impossible, is this true?
I have'nt heard of any problems getting hold of female Golden Rams.... But as i said it can be hard to sex very young fish.
I personally would buy a group of say 6 young Rams & as they mature they will either pair off naturally or you can try to sex them once they have matured & pass on the fish that you do not wish to keep.

REMEMBER... that although you may have a male & a female fish.... there is no gaurantee that they will breed ( they may not like eachother )

buying a group of young fish is a far easier way to start a breeding program as the chances are that you will have at least one pair.

Chenz. :)

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