Gold Ram Died..


Fish Herder
Oct 31, 2008
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I had the 2 gold ram's that i got when i had a smaller tank(now in 4ft tank , they have been fine until over the last week i noticed one went to a dark colour , i presumed it was just the time of the day (just woke up and normally they go dark when there has been no light), Well anyways i noticed it start to arch it's body to like a upside down U shape , i continued to keep an eye on it when i had a minute and noticed the other Ram was having a real go at it , the other ram wasn't particully getting out the way just taking it , so i called my parents and asked them to take the fish for a wile . When i went down this morning to get the fish out of the tank it barely moved when i went near it with the net, didn't really try to move when in the net either. I bagged it up and took it to the barents and it instantly went to the bottom and hid behind a rock , seemd like it was dead as far as motion go's and only moved when the pleco they have moved into , after a few hours of it sitting at the bottom it just went on it's side and about 10 minutes later died. Is this likely to be through bulying ? or was the other ram just having a go at it because it was ill? Don't want to get another ram incase the one i have is bullying it ... I was never sure of the sex of the ram;s as the finage was the same length and the colour was very similar so presume they were both the same sex either both male or female.

The water's Nitrite and ammonia are still at 0 so not that and the other fish are fine still. Any idea's on what was wrong and any advise on replacing him her?

I had the 2 gold ram's that i got when i had a smaller tank(now in 4ft tank , they have been fine until over the last week i noticed one went to a dark colour , i presumed it was just the time of the day (just woke up and normally they go dark when there has been no light), Well anyways i noticed it start to arch it's body to like a upside down U shape , i continued to keep an eye on it when i had a minute and noticed the other Ram was having a real go at it , the other ram wasn't particully getting out the way just taking it , so i called my parents and asked them to take the fish for a wile . When i went down this morning to get the fish out of the tank it barely moved when i went near it with the net, didn't really try to move when in the net either. I bagged it up and took it to the barents and it instantly went to the bottom and hid behind a rock , seemd like it was dead as far as motion go's and only moved when the pleco they have moved into , after a few hours of it sitting at the bottom it just went on it's side and about 10 minutes later died. Is this likely to be through bulying ? or was the other ram just having a go at it because it was ill? Don't want to get another ram incase the one i have is bullying it ... I was never sure of the sex of the ram;s as the finage was the same length and the colour was very similar so presume they were both the same sex either both male or female.

The water's Nitrite and ammonia are still at 0 so not that and the other fish are fine still. Any idea's on what was wrong and any advise on replacing him her?
soz not alot you can do

would you say u shaped as in the spine bent? if so it could be TB

Yeh it was more bent than the other Ram , hasnt always been that bent , was identical to the other Ram until about a week ago .
if it is something like TB is it possible for it to affect the other fish ?

Would you advise getting another Ram ? or leaving the one by its self? . It seems quite happy shoaling with the Juvi Geophagus Suri.. i have .
I'll be honest i'm not sure , i didnt think that would be a culprit so didnt check at the time. When i get in i'll have a look and find out.

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