Gold Nugget Pleco


Fish Addict
Oct 26, 2004
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I am getting a 55 and I would like a nice pleco.
I love gold nugget plecos.
Do you think I could put one in a 55.
I goolged "gold nugget pleco" and a few sites said i could be done.
What basic info do I need about this fish?
I was thinking of angels to put with them is that ok?
Waht other pleco do you think would be fine in that tank?(if a gold nugget won't work)
Sorry Tokis, I'm inclined to disagree with you ;)

The footprint for a standard 55 gallon is 48in by 18in. If you include plenty of hiding spots, like driftwood, decor, etc., you should have no problems adding another pleco or two.

Gold nuggets can be territorial, but from my reading they are especially bad with their own kind. I have my L-081 housed with an L-260 (Queen Arabesque) and there have been no problems. The Gold nugget shares his log space with a Black Ghost Knife and some synos, and the L-260 is always under a different log with more synos and the eel (when the eel permits him!) or in a piece of pipe. There are no squabbles at feeding time either. These guys are in a tank that is 48in by 21in.

Gold nuggets are found in waters ranging in 6.4 - 7.6 pH. If you are going to be keeping angels with them you will want the pH more on the acidic side anyway. I haven't kept angels, but there is plenty of info you should find regarding their pH/habitat requirements. As for the gold nuggets, lots of people keep them with other plecs.
Its just my personal opinion that if you have a terotorial plec even if its just primarily terotorial/agressive towards its own species, you shouldn't mix it with other plecs as the chances are it will stress any other plec species out too- its like RTBS(red tailed black sharks), with each other they'll definatly kill each other, with other sharks they'll most likely be agressive towards them, and with other non-shark species they may or may not become agressive towards them, its sort of 50/50 chance either way.
Personally i wouldn't risk keeping gold nuggets with other similar sized plecs, i've known quite a few people lose plecs from stress because their gold nugget harrassed them more and more as it matured.
I changed my mind about the golden nugget- Got myself an L-14 Goldy pleco instead :D

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