Gold Nugget Plec Hungry?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 7, 2013
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Plec has been in tank for 3 days, and completely ignores the algae wafers I have put in.
When it swims over them it takes no notice. I have a large peice of Bog Wood in the tank which it seems quite happy on. Is this enough to keep it going?
It seems quite healthy and colour dramatically changed within 5 minutes of being in my tank. He was fairly pale in the shop but has gone jet black with very bright orange spots and fins. I can only assume this is a good sign.
It is a "wild caught" fish so I imagine it is ignoring man made food as it doesnt know to eat it??
Could this also apply to my 2 gourami as they are also wild caught and timid of the flaked food. I will add live food when the tank population is bigger.
Saying this, the tiger loach I also bought seems to feast on everything!
Many thanks for any info!
Try giving it some meat, Gold Nugget's tend to be quite carnivorous and i have read plenty of reports of people struggling to get them to eat. Do you have any idea what precise species it is?
not a ton of experience as mine past away after a few months when an old tank went haywire, but the GN loved zuchini.

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