going undergound?

i prefer inches cant stand cm tanks! drives me nutty my lfs uses them and i hate them for it!
I don't like them at all yukkkkkkkkkkk pesky little things lol
well, I have about a month to decide on new or pre owned. The builders should be out by then :grr:
well consider preowned! get a nice one tank, stand, filter all the usual stuff for half the price of new one and still stock it up for less than u'll new one! its up to you!

Th choice is yours! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :lol: :thumbs: :D :rolleyes:
Yeah, I have seen some with fish - don't want the hassle of moving, finding out bad things, and empty tanks maybe with leaks :(
ask them to fill the tank up with water before u go round lol what fish u seen!
now, if i learn nothing else from this forum - it was worth the trip.

get them to fill it up with water simple, yet brilliant.

a few clowns, angels, sharks - and the old guppies neon tetras mollies etc.

nothing better than anything I've had in the past
sheesh and they call me the thick lol ! fillit up and test the filter etc heater easiest thing in the world lol
yes, sometimes the most obvious things are missed :lol: I should know, I a professional tester lolol
I have that problem too, keep forgetting what I'm about to .........

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