Going From Community To Discus


Fish Crazy
Jun 27, 2005
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South Yorkshire, Rotherham, England
I currenty have a community tank with a VERY wrong mix of fish. I am in the process of selling the fish I have so I can use my tank for discus. The water stats seem to be spot on for discus and it is a well established tank, About 4 years. Just a few things I need to know.
I have a very large pictus catfish, Sailfin plec and a couple of hoplo catfish, Are these ok to keep with discus?
How many discus can I keep in a Juwel Trigon 350, 7?
Can I mix stendker discus with malaysian (Something I was told to watch for)
I currenty have a community tank with a VERY wrong mix of fish. I am in the process of selling the fish I have so I can use my tank for discus. The water stats seem to be spot on for discus and it is a well established tank, About 4 years. Just a few things I need to know.
I have a very large pictus catfish, Sailfin plec and a couple of hoplo catfish, Are these ok to keep with discus?
How many discus can I keep in a Juwel Trigon 350, 7?
Can I mix stendker discus with malaysian (Something I was told to watch for)

Pictus cats like cooler water then Discus. The Pleco produce a lot of waste and that could be a problem with keeping the water Perfect for the Discus also some say that plecos can suck on discus slime coat. The Hoplo Cat Might be ok since that are really hardy and peacful.
Ive have the pictus for 4 years, It is the oldest fish ive got and is the only fish ive never had any problems with. The temp has always been 29oC. I suppose I could could keep an eye on the plec, Its never attacked any of my fish in the past, Only the cat fish if the get too close
Hmm, I thought my water was ok but ive been reading various website. On one website the parameters they give are the same as mine, On other websites the give different parameters.

So, What are idea parameters??
im going down the discus rod myself soon too and from what i undserstand youre far better off slowly acclimating the discus to your water rather than trying to mess with things like ph etc . last thing you want is unstable parameters.
There are so many stories about how to keep discus Like the food and water conditions. Its hard to know what is right or not. In the past ive used my own method, Suck it and see. I never tried it with expensive fish though. I dont fancy doing that with discus as it would be a waste of money if it all went wrong
imo messing with water paramaters should be avoided , unless of course you happen to be a chemist :rolleyes:

im not going to try and change my paramaters in any way all im going to do is acclimate them slowly using the drip aclimatisation method and make sure i keep pristine water and feed a good quality diet.
for discus fish water parameter is very important. nitrite,ammonia level should always be zero ppm. you should change 10% water regularly and after cleaning you have to provide 1 teaspoon rock salt...
the best way to keep discus is in a bare bottom aquarium.
Well, After days of reading Ive come to the conclusion the water parameters are not as narrow as I was led to belive. Some say "If you can drink your tap water your fish will be fine in it." So as long as the water has no Ammonia, Nitrite and nitrate and the PH isnt miles out the discus would be fine if they have been acclimated properly.

These are not my views, They are what ive read on various sites
My discus are with severum,bgnf,sailfin plec and razor back turtle and has been for 5 years now. They was in a tank with angle fish but the discus killed all 5 of them.

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