Going Away For A Few Days


Fish Crazy
Feb 22, 2012
Reaction score
Ilkeston, Derbyshire, UK
at the end of the month im away from home for a few days so i have 2 questions

is it best to leave the lights totally off (as I dont have a timer, but the room gets daylight during the day)

and also how is best to feed them ? was thinking of feeding on the friday before i go away and then no food till im back sunday evening, would this be ok ? or would I be wise to drop some algea wafers in as well ?
you can pick timers up from supermarkets for a couple of quid :) feeding will be fine, i only ever feed my fish once or twice a week.
yes, fish have efficient digestive systems, they dont need feeding everyday they are scavengers. also keeps the tank alot cleaner and never have problem with snails.
Fish can easily go a week without being fed, no problems. Those holiday food blocks are awful, don't bother.
You are only going for a weekend? I would just skip those days of food. The lights aren't even a problem unless you have plants. Fish don't need the lights.

Most people have a "skip" day anyway when it comes to feeding their fish, to let their digestive systems clear out. :good:
im off away tonight back mon i have aa heavy planted tank i do have a timer but dont trust them while im nit here fire risk. will plants be ok with out light
Yes, leave the lights off and just feed the fish before you go. They'll be fine.

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