Go Shoot The Moon..... Quickly!

Lol great story Rummynose..
Simonas, I can barely see the houses across the road it's that foggy here now
Lol great story Rummynose..
Simonas, I can barely see the houses across the road it's that foggy here now

I just left Belle Vale to drive home it was scarily foggy
its a little late but i thought i would add a picture from across the pond, the united states in the midwest, great old Indiana or sleepy town or the hoosiers nest whatever you prefer

every one is going to see the same moon, because it hasnt made a complete rotation around the earth, BUT idk i could be wrong for some countries like australia, my science is a little fuzzy from middle school
i would have gotten it like around 5:30 while the sun was still out but its winter time, but during the summer on certain days i can see it out around 6:00 with the sun
Interesting that it seems to be full all over the world??.... I would've thought you guys would see the rear of it ..... Dark moon, half moon, 1st quarter???.....

im pretty sure, without googling, that nobody ever sees 'the darkside of the moon' - hence the album title. the earth spins, but im pretty sure the moon does not.
The moon does spin, very slowly. It rotates once in the same time it takes the moon to do a circle round the earth. That's why the same side of the moon is always facing the earth. Actually, we do see slightly more than half the moon's surface over time as the moon wobbles from side to side a bit, so we can sometimes see a bit more at the left side, then a bit more at the right, if you see what I mean.

Edited for getting the moon and earth the wrong way round :blush:
I'll post a pic from the US west coast - to be exact - tonight!
Shot from my iPhone a bit ago. My husband (pro photographer) got some better shots, but you're stuck with mine! I just wish the camera would capture what my eyes see. It looked twice as big as this and much more colorful.

I took this pic early this morning.


I just wish I had of had my camera with me on my way to work as the sun was just rising and the moon was a beautiful pink and purple. If I am lucky it will be the same on Friday and I will be able to get some nice photos then rather than racing off to work.

This photo was just taken tonight.

There is a bit of cloud around so I will try to get something interesting with the moon and the cloud.
Got a couple of nice pictures this morning around 5am. Unfortunately there was too much heavy cloud cover across the horizen to let any pinks or purples colour the moon this morning. But I am keeping my fingers crossed for tomorrow morning.




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