Go get your Hikari Flakes for free!


Fish Gatherer
Mar 31, 2004
Reaction score
Richmond, Virginia
Go to hikariusa.com

You can sign up for free flake food, takes about a week. I sent one to my hose, my mother, etc.....

The fish love those damn flakes, also they send you sample packs of other types of pellets.

The fish love these micro pellets, that they sent.

Its crazy cause you figure free food, I will never have to buy, but it actuallymade me go out and buy some micro pellets.

They give you a ice can of flakes, plus loads of info on thier products!

Try it!
mandi said:
Okay, I must be blind -_- ... where on their site do you sign up for this?
I just checked usually on home page, I just ordered some more yesterday, special must be over, I am checking site now.
I thought it expired. :/

Great promo though, my fish love it also. :drool:

I got 6 packages filled with samples. :whistle:
I would totally love getting some free samples of food for my fish... too bad I like in Australia. It's times like these that make me wish I lived in the uk or something.
oh maaaaan, wish i knew about this earlier! my fish eat their food up like no tomorrow! oh well...
Yea, this started quite a while back, there was another thread that told people about it. I got mine back then, it's great, a nice sample sized can of their new tropical flakes (which I'm going to start buying once I finish it off) and then little sample packets of Betta bio gold, fancy guppy food, micro pellets, several things, basically food for whatever types of fish I said I had. Then I had my brother do the same thing, he's holding the food he got for me now (he doesn't live near me, hehe).

I emailed then this morning when I discovered that link for free food was expired. I just received email stating, please tell us your address and what type of fish and we will send it to you :D :D :D
Here is the link for info about their new product. Seems your fish love the flakes. I'm going to look for some at fish stores today.

Hikari Flake Tropical

P.S. The offer is not online anymore (I could not find a link). So, I emailed them just like canarsie did ;)

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