Glowlight Tetras Dead

Overstocked that why they are getting ill.
The filter not coping with the load of fish in the tank.
Is it possible to buy a bigger tank for them.
Danio are active fish and shouldn't really be nkept in anything less than a 20 gal.
The same with the glowlites active fish and need no less than a 10gal.
To be honest not one fish should be in that size tank.

Mine twitch there fins.
Plus your nitrite reading not 0 so it will be irratating them.
I understand what you are saying about them. My Dad has got a lightly stock 60litre.... Do you think it would be safe to move the Danios down there tomorrow? I feel really bad about them.....

At least this forum has got experienced and helpful people.

The water change is almost done here.
I would put them in there for now, but if they have something wrong with them they will pass it onto his tank.
If they stop flicking after the water change, ask your dad if he want's them.
Thanks once again for your help Wilder - I will keep you informed.

I will probably close this small tank down and start afresh.

My other tank is the 45litre version of the cube tank (like in PFK) and I'm using a Rena XP1 external filter that sits under my kitchen worktop. I'm stuck with not being able to get a huge tank as I live in a one bed apartment....... In there I have some galaxy rasboras and they're very happy.

There so cute.
Good luck.
Wilder - she has made a (what seems to be) full recovery! Colour has come back - no white stuff over the body and eating a treat! Other tank mates are good too! I'm going to wait a week to make sure nothing happens and then pop them in my Dad's larger tank.

Thank you for your advice once again!
Bless her thats good news.
How long have you treated for.

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