Glowlight TETRA swollen gills

Unfortunately I don't have a heater for it. It's way little tank. Only one gallon. I don't have a heater that small and due to the weather I have been unable to get to the nearest petsmart to get one.

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Sadly, one passed last night. I went to shut the light off and he was lying on the bottom, dead. I pulled him out and am now hoping the other will recover.

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In fortunately upon turning on the light this morning I found that the other one has passed as well.

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Yeah probably. But hey. At least I tried. And I noticed it early enough that I didn't lose all fish.

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This is true.Especially since it was bacterial.So whilst you didn't save them in a way you saved other fish in the process.
I wouldn't have been too terribly upset about the neons dying. I could easily replace them. I would be pretty upset if my GOURAMI had died though.

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