Glow Lights - It's A Mystery!

Just chuck a teaspoon of the ammonia in when you get back from giving the fish away. You wont be able to tell how much is in the water without your test kit, but I think in my 60 litre tank a teaspoon of the boots stuff was about 6, maybe 7ppm. No need to be exact. That'll give your bacteria something to get chomping on till you get the test kit. If it hasnt arrived after a couple days, put more ammonia in. No idea what your tank will be turning over at the moment, so best to put more in than too little and have it starve. It'll eat it all eventually. Also an air pump and turning the temperature up a bit will speed up the cycling process.
Another Neon died last night, had a white patch on its head, in fact - all the fish that have died so far have looked like they had flaky heads?

The fish will back today, will head to Boots to pick up ammonia too - any last pointers?

(Do I need to clean gravel, sift thru it thouroughly - clean woods? (I have mopani and bogwood))
the best pointer i can give is read this thread about fishless cycling. i do feel for you, pet stores are there to make money, they will not tell you about fishless cycling with ammonia as they want to sell you all these expensive non working solutions, then sell you fish that deep down they probably know will die which means you will be back for more. im not saying all fish stores are like this but i have been in shops and listened to some of the stuff they tell people buying new tanks.

im glad i found this site before even going near a fish, when you goto boots get yourself a medicine dropper that measures in ml's then you can add the correct ammount of ammonia that your size of tanks needs.

also keep a chart/record of your tests each day and make a new post under have a look at my fishless cycle post that is below in my signature you will see how i kept a record of my fishless cycling progress.

there are plenty of people willing to help, dont give up. you were just given bad advice by your local fish shop of which seems to be a common occurrence unfortunately.

good luck and keep at it :good:

Yes indeed, I love the internet!! Right, off to take the fish back... Should be an interesting experience!!
Hello! Fish have been returned, they have guaranteed to let me return and pick up some others once my cycle has finished. The manager looked a bit annoyed about it all, but hey ho.

Ammonia has been purchased, nearly passed out when I opened it! Put a teaspoon in, test kit should arrove Monday so will start up a cycle thingy there for the thread.
What great news to come back to! (been away for the weekend).
I'm glad you sound less stressed and more positive about the whole thing. As said read the fishless cycle thread that someone linked to and start yourself a fishless cycle thread so you can get any questions answered as you go along :good:

Stuff the 'manager' at pets at home. As said they just follow what they're told and wont know any better unless they own fish or are taught correctly.

Good luck with your fishless cycle (though you probably wont need it). Daily water tests vs worrying about fish dying...I know which I'd pick.

You could also start yourself a stocking thread. I'm not saying you don't know what you like fish wise. But there are alot of people on here who known ALOT of species of fish. And liklihood is that they'll mention fish you've never even heard of before that you may well fall in love with. Just post something like tank size and the kinds of things you like.
I have started a fishless cycle thread on same lot of threads as Dan's? Hope you find it!
Yes, C101, I hope you find her threads over in the beginners section. You may understand the background of her tank and filter maturity and water chemistry better than me. I'm having trouble piecing together enough data to guess where she might be in the fishless cycle. ---WD

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