Glow fish

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we seem to have plenty here in alaska. the way there are marketed is not too savy tho. the glofish are right next to the longfinned danios. the same fish but one costs 8 dollars more. and to looks only, id say the longfinned is better looking. one store even tried to play down the fact that they are altered fish. the label said "Red Danios-$15" try to explain that. i havent been back to see if they sold anything yet..... :thumbs:
and yes, i got one :*)
I'm wondering if I could mail order them from anywhere? I would drive over to AZ or into NV to get some..neither is more than 2 hours away.

edit: I just want them cuz they may not be around very long. And I like the way they look and we have genetically engineered why not fish.
Fishy jessie If you ask them (well the wirey guy with the black hair anyways) why they are red they will tell you that they are transgenic. And the HOC still doesn't have them even though they are suposed to get them in :angry: I know that the hoc can give me a better price than 11.50

Oh and for those of you not in Anchorage Alaska :D they are not selling well and If you got to the Glofish web sight you can see that they have lowered the recomended price to 5 bucks.

they got them at 2 out of the 3 stores here where i live,(Quad Cites) Iowa,Illinois area.They are not selling well from what i asked my buddy at the LFS..hes got a whole tank of them and hes selling them for 3.99 a pop.

Myself i dont they are really a big deal...they dont GLOW to me...maybe its cause i am not seeing them under the correct just looks like a reg Daino but with a red streak in their body...i didnt buy any,and i was telling myself when i read the newspaper acticale in my locale paper that i was going to be one of the first to get one.I past on it. :whistle:
i did a lot of reading before I posted this.
my opinion:
If the fda says they are safe then what do we have to worry about. California later recinded their ban on the fish. Thousands of tests have been done on this peticular gene. If it was not safe for us or even for the fish, they would not alow the sale of these fish.
It is not cruelty to animals. it was a biological expieriment to help understand nature, and it happened to come across a phenominom.
sorry about the spelling/grammar . I had a few too many tonight.
I think thesell for around 5-6 dollarsin the Phoenix area. I wouldnt have the things.
Posted on Feb 13 2004, 04:26 AM
i did a lot of reading before I posted this.
my opinion:
If the fda says they are safe then what do we have to worry about. California later recinded their ban on the fish. Thousands of tests have been done on this peticular gene. If it was not safe for us or even for the fish, they would not alow the sale of these fish
The FDA sometimes has a habit of oking things then coming back later and recinding the product after they realize they screwed up. And didnt test enough.

Any way from some of the reading ive done on glofish they are now bring in other agencys to decide on the fish since fish really dont fall under their umbrella of expertise. Food Drug Administration hmm it dont say fish experts to me.. They are bringing in fish and game dept and other agencies that should have made this desision in the first place. So dont be surprised if they dont get banned every where soon.

Oh and another point the Glo fish site still states that the Californua ban is still in effect..
i dont know if they were glow-fish but in my lfs they had relly birght flourecent red lyretail leopard danios. with no warning and they were about £2.50 each, in britain.

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