
Having almost finished my genetics degree I can promise you MBOU that your worries aren't really justified.

There are regulations in place to say what can and can't be done via genetics modification (so no snowballing of anything). Genetic modification is done with ALL sorts of genes. And so long as it's for sound research reasons then it's allowed. I even genetically modified some bacteria in my second year (simpler than in animals but same theory).
The only real difference between us and the USA is that they are allowed to sell GM animals to some extent. Where as we have a ban on all GM animal sales. But America still have laws in place on GM animals, they don't have free rein to create and sell whatever they want. Also considering how easy it is to do, as in as a 3rd year geneticist I could insert a gene into an animal near enough on my own... you would be seeing all of these things you feared by now if it were going to snowball.

Final point, they don't glow unless they're under black light. And if they do get released they arne't camouflaged so will be predated on in much higher numbers than the native species. The result is that the gene for the colour is a deleterious trait and so never increases above a very low threshold of frequency.

GM versus Line breeding/cross breeding are two very different things. Cross breeding and line breeding isn't regulated. GM is very tightly regulated.

Edit: Just to add I personally wouldn't buy them. I like to stick to more natural fish but I do pick and choose what line breeding fish I'll have. I wont keep anything crossbred or linebred to the disadvantage of the animal (this goes for Everything else though, to me, is fair game.
Here is just a few news articals on whats been done to these animals already.

Glowing Cats

Glowing Pigs

Glowing Monkeys

Glowing Mice

Glowing Dog

Glowing Rabbit

Glowing Axolotl

GM Glowing Insects

All in the name of science... we can all see how this is gonig to help cure awful diseases like AIDs and Malaria... but...

Then you get the money side of things... IMO these animals should never be available to the public at any point... For once the UK has it right in being so strictly regulated :good:

How about some tasty Glofish Sushi? Anyone fancy eating some poor modified zebra danios?!

EDIT: I know there is a mssive difference betwen GM and parrot fish being bred but there isnt exactly much to compare it to :p

It is still only a matter of time before it gets out of hand, not anything to do with the actual practise of genetically modifying stuff (which isnt what im against as such!) but its the people that have the ability to modify animals or access to steal them... it will happen, humans are predictable :p

Same GM crops, was watching the protest about the crops GM to keep away aphids. But if there is no aphids then there is no ladybirds. And if there is no ladybirds then there are far less little birds or the little birds decimate other insect species instead... and it will all have consequences in the end.
I agree with the fact I don't think any of them should be for sale... they were created for research purposes not food chain/sale. But that doesn't mean it will snowball to anything more than it already is... seriously.

And as for the crops. It's not a matter of aphids or no aphids. It's a matter of insecticide (which is poisonous and in some cases broken down to carcinogens in humans) vs GM which is harmless. If they're going to spray insecticides (which are non specific and kill everything) then I prefer GM.

Eitherways this is getting completely off topic so I wont post again unless the OP asks something else.
I actually want to get stuck in with this debate (especially now you mention GM as 'safe'), but let's recall that this is the OPs thread about Glofish, not a wider debate on GM food/animals

......if someone wants to start a thread in the scientific or General chat areas regarding this then go for it.
Sorry :) I shall do so and then you can reply and get stuck in too :p

EDIT: Have reposted this subject in General Chat :)
MBOU , yes I do have a up and coming cichlid tank. But still.
All of these concerns are exactly why I posted the question.
If any modified strain becomes profitable where would it stop?
"buy a glow in the dark kitten and support"... What?
I fully understand research going this direction but into the general hobby mainstream?.... Hence my concern is re invigorated...
I, myself need to come to terms with this one decision... But I'm certain that it will come up again... Will I become numb to the unnatural?
Will many more follow?
It is not healthy thing in the long term I would think.
Urrg... #40## morals anyway
I saw you avatar after i posted and realised you probably did or would have a seperate cichlid tank.

I had a peacock tank, they are the best malawis I think! Just... bear in mind how huge they get and that they need a lot more open water and less rockwork than the mbuna. Some of my larger peacocks were a good 20-30cm long! Any my gorgeous haps as well.. and my Malawi Eyebiter called Bruce, he was epic.

As for Glofish.. its completely up to you! Your country allows it and ours doesnt so makes our choice very easy really!

How about showing your other half some articals about how and why the fish were created and see what her opinion is?
The thread was for, and is morphed into exactly what it deserves... I will follow the general and digest the info presented.

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