
its not a new species tho its just been genetically modified
Discus aren't genetically modified. What makes you think they are?

Edited to add: And what makes you think grey hounds are genetically modified?
what curiosity said
#92### wept. I thought you were just on a wind up too, but it seems you are being serious...

There's no hope.
yeah but both are line bred neither have had there genes modified

Discus were found in the wild and were then bred and bred and bred to give specific colours and patterns. (aswell as different varieties being found in the wild I think).
Over time when you breed an animal for something specific it loses some of the characteristics of the original animal and may lose the ability to breed with the original animal you bred it from (I'm talking years and years down the line). This is often when they're classed as new species.

Same goes for greyhound. People just kept picking the dogs with the longest legs and most streamlined shape and breeding them together till you eventually got the greyhound. Which is a dog (species) and is a greyhound as a 'breed'.

Genetically modified animals are made the way they are in a laboratory by scientists when genes are inserted into the animal artificially.

Hope that makes it a bit clearer for you.
This'll go on and on and move even further away from the point of the thread.. There's no racism here at all. I know, it's cool to play that card at every oppertunity, but sadly for you, this one's a no-go.
Just to add an example.

If you bred the reddest dicus you had together. And then bred the reddest offspring together and continued to breed the reddest offspring together eventually you would get a red discus. And this would have been natural through breeding and have taken a long time and alot of generations.

However a scientist could take a red pigment from another fish, insert that into the DNA of a discus in an egg and then hatch that discus. It would now be red straight away, but it would then be genetically modified so no longer legal in the UK.
It would still be able to breed with normal discus though, ie. not a different species.

i am not that stupid...

try to push a bit, and failed.. thats all..

always learning.... racism is not cool to play.... everyone use that card somuch it dont valid anymore.
In spite of the odd sidebars contained in this thread, I do appreciate the overall point, which provided a bit of Glofish education. I am starting a new tropical tank with my kids for a summer fun project, and they saw a bunch of Glofish at our local Petsmart (USA) and got excited. I told the kids I didn't want to purchase any fish that were injected with colors, and had not ever seen this type before. But, apparently, they are bred from genetically modified parent stock, so I suppose I won't object to buying a few of these for the tank! And, no, I'm not planning on releasing any to my local river or lakes...thanks for the information!

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