
Clearly you've never seen the little shop of horrors.

^^ you know that's a very good point! Although I think the triffids would be a more apt example. Technically the plant in little shop of horrors was from space wasn't it? or it was implied it was from space..?
i think it was from space. it just sort of appeared out of nowhere when the guy was walking past the plant shop.

cheers :good:
To be fair, GM plants are a lot more of a threat to 'the wild' than GM animals. What's a Glofish going to do? Well, nothing- it's bright pink so not exactly well hidden, and probably can't survive in UK waters anyway. Whereas plants are polinated by wind and insects and hybridise more easily, and the transferred genes are often for things like herbicide and pest resistancem which are quite handy for other plants.

Edit- also, 'Lean Green Momma From Outer Space'. Case, rested.
The pollen isn't going to fertilise anything other than it's own species or very similar species. They don't just hybridise randomly and on large scales.

And you may say 'a glofish will do nothing' but you honestly don't know that. Scientists have had amazing ideas before of indroducing animals to the wild to solve problems. Like to feed river salmon they introduced a new type of shrimp into the system. It out competed the original shrimp for the food source and the salmon didn't actually eat it. Result = Huge drop in salmon numbers to the point they were almost wiped out in that area. But 'it was just a harmless shrimp that was going to do the job better than the original one'.
There are hundreds of examples of people who went 'oh it's just a... it can't possibly...' And it's wiped out complete species/eco systems.

My point being, they have learnt their lesson and aren't going to risk things like that anymore. Hence, no importing of GM animals.
The problem is a lot of plants are very similar. For instance, assuming you've got GM wheat, potentially you can hybridise with most grass species, as has been done to develop wheat as it is.

The shrimp example can't really be compared. Alien fish species that can survive in UK waters are already banned- things like that 'chinese hi-fin shark' or whatever they tend to call it. Danios aren't one of them. And, as mentioned, bright pink, so even if they could survive they'd make tasty dindins for the native fish.
So you've tried and tested it by releasing glo-fish into the wild and seeing the effect and then recapturing them all and publishing your results?
Note: not an attack. I'm just saying that the rules are their for a reason.
The shrimp thing isn't the perfect example I do agree but it definitely can be compared. There are far too many times in the past where animals have been released because they 'couldn't possibly cause harm' and they have. Hence the rule. Whatever the logic says, until you actually try it you can't make any statements and it really isn't worth the risk, hence the ban.

Also I don't think GM crops would be allowed if it wasn't neccesary. But until everyone turns vegetarian or there is a better way to grow food they're going to be used.

Oh and just a point. Having said all this, I'm just speculating that this is the reason that they've banned glofish. I'm not 100% as I've not actually read defras rules.
I don't think there is a specific reason, other than 'well you can't import anything GM unless we say so'. Honestly, I'd say it's more likely to be because some moany people would moan about it if they were legal rather than because of any risks posed.

That said, it's still ridiculous that you can still import dyed fish.

personally i think the biggest threat to uk waters are wmcm as they can live in cold water and would blend in
if gold and blue danios is ok to come to uk but not the coloured ones?

that's racism.
its like if some one painted them self green and a posh resturant said no you cant come in i couldnt say thats racists

as green and glow fish are not a race
its like if some one painted them self green and a posh resturant said no you cant come in i couldnt say thats racists

as green and glow fish are not a race

but.. this fish r new spices.. like mainstream discus. it was created but its here now and live as normal species and reproduce and have normal life like any other danios.

so why UK cannot accept them?
they accept Obama....... who have similar background.... :lol:

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