Glass Lid


Fish Crazy
Mar 5, 2003
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Welshman exiled to Scotland
Ok Im looking for some ideas guys, so thinking caps on for this one. On the top of my tank I have a wooden canopy over the top and inside that there are 2 sheets of glass stopping the water from getting on the wooden canopy. The glass is positioned so that one will slide over the top of the other for feeding etc. Well Im sure you know what Im talking about so heres my problem:

As some of you may already know I have recently adopted 2 discus, everytime I go to open the glass they knock against the tank causing the discus to freak :crazy: . The glass knocks because the two sheets of glass stick together like glue and I struggle to get the damn thing open.

Does anyone have any Ideas to stop the sticking together? Hope this makes sense. :S
i had the same problem when i had an i used some was like talum powder but it wasnt didnt have any chemicals in it so it didnt harm the iguana......maybe u could try that......another thing could be oil......not chemical oil tho.....something like cooking oil....but only a tiny lil bit so it doesnt drip into ur water

Tek :fish:
You could remove the glass altogether and for a replacement, head to your local hardware store. They have the clear plastic lenses that drop down into flourescent lighting. You just have to score it a few times to cut it. One side of this is rough, the other smooth. You could replace one piece of the glass with a piece of this and solve your problem. The rough side wouldn't stick to the glass.

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