Glass Knifefish


Ex-LFS manager/ keeper of over 30 danio species
May 26, 2004
Reaction score
Kent UK
These have come up on our import list at work,
given that they are more difficult to keep than, say BKGs
do you think I should order some in?

I myself would like to try this species but I'd have to order 20 min for the shop
so I'm having a bit of a dilema in deciding
PFK did an article on them a while ago, heres the link

Summarising, (for thoise lazy bums who don't want to read it)

Size: Males are larger growing to 45cm/17", females are usually much smaller reaching around 25cm/10".
Origin: Widely distributed across the Amazon basin.
Guide price: Expect to pay in the region of £5 for a 15cm/6" specimen.
Aquarium care: Provide at least a 90 x 38 x 38cm/36" x 15" x 15" for a small group. Any type of filtration will do; however, if you decide to use undergravel filtration use a power head rather than an air pump to power it.

This is because these fish come from flowing bodies of water so they will appreciate the extra current a powerhead delivers.
Water parameters: pH 6.0-7.0 with a GH 2-15°, temperature 23-28°C/75-82°F. In some parts of the range, this species is found in water of just 18°C/64°C.
Diet: Food consists of tiny fishes, bloodworm and other small aquatic life. Aquarium raised fish can be fed frozen brine shrimps, bloodworms, daphnia as well as flake and sinking granular foods.

Although I'd go up a bit from their minimum tank size, 6 17" fish in a 3fter isn't a good plan, even iof they are very bendy. But if you're interested wolfy, I reckon a group of 6 would be great in your big tank, if there's nothig your bichirs can eat, the knives will be fine. If you order in 20, and sell them in groups to people with at least 4ft tanks, I'd say they'd be fine. They're not like other huge fish shops sell, and are quite uncommon.
Yep I did have one but he's now living in a trench in the garden somewhere.

Unfortunately he died a few days after getting him, I'm not sure if he just died or if the 2 young Peacock Bass he was with Killed him.

Either way he was a nice fish but quite a small specimen, maybe if they were imported a bit bigger they would be more robust.
I found a UK supplier that has then listed as singles, so i ordered 5.
note for Paul_mts (this weeks starline additions list)
Yer thats where I got mine from, they'ved had them for a good few weeks now, so all the weak ones have probable died off by now.

Let us know how your ones do.

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