Glass Catfish

Do They Eat Certain Food Or Should I Have More Than 2

I Am Worried Because They Are Always At The Left Side Of My Tank, You Never See Them Coming For Food

When I Had 1 You Always Saw Him And He Was 1 Of The First For Food But When I Got 2 He Seemed To Of Become Much More Shy
Will they ONLY take frozen? This is the first time ive heard of a fish being so limited with feeding.
The ones I had only eat Frozen food. I tried Alge Tablets, Flkaes and pellets. They only eat Frozen food.

This is what the link says: Live foods such as bloodworms are preferred. They may take prepared food, but only do so when the food is moved by a water current, or sinking. Mine never go to the top to feed.
algae tablets? these fish are not resticted to a plant diet. i use to feed mine normal feeds i use for angels and barbs and they do just fine.
Mine eat flake food. They come out and take it as it drifts down from the surface. Though not every day. I've also seen them take flake food from the substrate and the surface.
Here's what you need to know: You have Kryptopterus minor. These fish need to be kept in numbers, i recommend at least 5 but 6 is preferable, with a tank of at least three feet(though can be smaller for their early life-no more than a year). Next these fish need to have some current in their tank, along with plenty of open hiding (large caves, wood, large leaves) as they dont like bright light. As for feeding, they love frozen food (mine prefer bloodworms) but they will also eat flake, and algae wafers, at least mine like them-algae wafers not so much though :) i can't really think of anything else at the moment. Obviously, don't keep them with agressive fish; these cats can hold their own but they prefer a peaceful environment. Mine hover in the current, usually each in their own spot which to which the pecking order has assigned them. When hit just right youll see the light spectrum throught their transparent flesh. Beautiful fish, might shy at first but if you fulfill their basic needs theyre personable/friendly fish (i can tell all mine apart) that will thrive for several years.
This is just my experience, i share what i've done and learned. B)
This is what the link says: Live foods such as bloodworms are preferred. They may take prepared food, but only do so when the food is moved by a water current, or sinking. Mine never go to the top to feed.

After Reading This I Tried Putting Flake Food Where The Most Current Is And It Worked They Always Eat The Flake Food Now
Rubix gave some good advice there. They must be kept in a shoal for them to be happy (6+).

They will grow to about 6 inches long so need a bit of space too, and they like current. Not necessarily surface agitation but undercurrent through the body of the tank.

Give plenty of hiding spaces and they will be fine. Glad to hear you got them eating. :good:
sorry to hi-jack but I was planning on keeping these in my new planted tank, is there a minimum size of tank for this species? I've just got a 30x12x12 18gallon and was hoping this would be enough for 6 plus 10neon tetra

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