Glass Catfish

They grow to approx 6" each so i think an 18gal is too small for 6 adult specimens. Sorry.

I have 4 of these fish and they seem to stay in one spot between the plants all the time. Had them for 4 days now and I haven't seen them eat a thing. All the fish come to the surface for feeding but these dont move. Also I may only have 3 cos one has vanished!! Cant see it anywhere on the gravel, in the plants, in the decorations etc etc and there isn't any other fish that I think would be big enough to eat them! And all my neon tetras are still there? Whats going on?
here we go again
many replies about a 'glass catfish' without even determining which of the 5 (that I can think of right now) species
the OP is asking about.

in light of that (IE not knowing what fish exactly is being asked about) all of the above is total and utter uselessness
here we go again
many replies about a 'glass catfish' without even determining which of the 5 (that I can think of right now) species
the OP is asking about.

in light of that (IE not knowing what fish exactly is being asked about) all of the above is total and utter uselessness

Absolutely. Sheesh. LOL

My girlfriend has 3 of these "glass" catfish. and they are never together. LOL They are every where in the tank and will eat anything. Heck, I throw in some veggies for the 3 plecos in there...and they eat off of that too.

You gotta know what you are asking about, before asking about it. LMAO
Well I am very sorry...

Mine are like this one if that helps:


It was just odd that the 4 of them spent the first few days together and then one lone ranger left the pack. Found it today when it came out of hiding. It was behind the pump. Its still about on its own though.
that pic is of a Kryptopterus bicirrhis.
I have four of them and one is always on its own for a lot of time, they do all group together at times.
it seems to me to be perfectly natural for them.
i've read that bicirrhis is larger. that's a Kryptopterus minor as far as i know. care is as i described previously, i imagine if that is a bicirrhis care would be similiar :good: i too have a single one that hides up near the top behind the filter return, it seems each one (im recently down to five :( ) has its own 'spot' and ive noticed that it's based on the hierarchy of the group. i do seem them all together hovering in the tank current at times. i love these fish at feeding time, for a timid stick-to-their-own fish they get pretty fiesty :)

edit: i originally posted late last night and now i want to follow up this afternoon... what size is your fish? bicirrhis grow larger than minor. i imagine they were named minor because they are the smaller of the two species. from what ive found bicirrhis is not as commonly traded as minor and they are often confused. care is the same for both species though i believe bicirrhis should be kept in larger groups than that of minor which should be kept in groups of at least six.

on another note, i've read about albino Kryptopterus. i dont know the validity of such a claim, though i suppose it's possible. one of mine does not have as much black on its body as most Kryptopterus do and you can see more of its organs, similiar to a picture of an 'albino' i once saw. its stomach also is a different color than your standard Kryptopterus. anyone ever hear claims of albino Kryptopterus?

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