We have restrictions here, but they aren't banned by any means.
You can only buy them 2 weeks prior and 1 week after the holiday/event.
You cannot set them off inside the Birmingham city limits, and several other surrounding areas (usually your more upscale/prominent cities).
I know this is going to sound alot more rude then I intend for it to, but it can only be said one way, so here it goes.
You say things aren't going to change for the animals sake, but think about what you just said. If we were to change everything that upset or harmed animals we would set ourselves back about 100 years. There would be no cars, radio's, television, ect (anything that makes loud noises or could cause bodily harm).
All those things can and do annoy/harm animals. So by saying we should stop using fireworks, because they harm animals, we would also have to stop using everything that could/does harm animals...you can't pick and choose which thing when trying to support an argument.
I know it sucks that some people's animals react adversly to fireworks, but the majority of them don't..they are use to them. Just like not all dogs will chase a car as it drives by, but it is harmful to the select few that, for some reason, will. Just like not all dogs will go bonkers when left alone, but some do (anxiety disorders) and needs meds for that condition.
I have 2 dogs (did have 3 until last year when one died due to cancer), I've had them for a long time and none were remotely scared of fireworks. Neither are my cats (and I've had alot of cats through the years), even my horses payed little to no attention to them...so hearing that a dog jumped out of a window just seems wild to me (not saying it didn't just makes it hard to fully comprehend "why" it would do something like that when mine don't even notice..and mine stay outside the majority of the time, so they are right out there where they are going off).
Maybe it's because I am a loud person and they aren't offended by loud noises after being raised near them..maybe they grow acustomed to them..I don't know, but just because something bothers 1, or even a select few, doesn't mean it should be taken away from all, imho.
Here in the area I live in..it obviously bothered more then a few so they lobbied together and got a law passed where they couldn't set them off in certain areas (actually I think the mess they leave prompted the laws heer instead of the noise factors...the people just didn't like having to clean it up out of their yards the next day).
So it seems to me that if it bothered that many folks in your areas, that they would do the same. I know this board is used as a sounding board, or venting spot...but seriously, if it bothers you that bad, you are the only ones that can change it...and this board isn't going to do it for you. I suggest if it bothers you that bad that you contact your local delegates by letter and voice your concerns. Hopefully they can get something changed in your favor, since it seems to bother many of you so badly. That is the only way things will ever change in your favor..to get your concerns out there to the right officials, otherwise how will they ever know it bothers you?
Fireworks are just meant for fun,...there are always going to be some that take it too far (i.e. the poor cat with them tied to it's tail, that's just mean and irresponsible) and push the envelope.
That being said, personally I love fireworks, especially the ones that spark and make noise...they are fun. I can't really tell you why they are "fun" persay...I just enjoy setting them off. Watching the bottle rockets wisk off up in the air then make their tale tell pop as they explode, leaving a pretty mark in the air...maybe I'm wierd lol...I dunno, but I like them alot, and obviously I'm not alone.