Give A Thought To Pets At This Time Of Year.


Ex-LFS manager/ keeper of over 30 danio species
May 26, 2004
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Kent UK
To all those of you planning a bonfire party, please spare a
thought for all the pet cats, dogs etc that are scared sh**less
by loud bangs and whistles.

My cat Dillon is cowering under the chest of drawers, because someone
over the road is having a firework night! it is not even the 5th of November yet! :grr:
every year I get soo worried that this will be his last, as he has a heart murmer.
I worry that any loud bang will cause his heart to stop.

Personally I'd like to fireworks banned from sale to the general public
and have specialist organisations only allowed to use them, and only
on certain days of the year.
Isn't it time we stopped "celebrating" an act of terrorisum that happened 400 years ago?
Its a Tradition :)

Im sure your cat will be fine, keep him inside and give him a cuddle :D

I have cats, dogs, horses and birds and they dont get bothered at all, even with the neighbours setting off fireworks, but they're used to it.

I think people should definately keep their pets inside now though, just incase! But fireworks shouldn't be banned, dont be ridiculous :lol:
have you inquired with his vet about a potential sedative you could for just these sorts of occassions? :/

i'm afraid i can't really speak one way or the other about Guy Fawkes, except that its definitely one of the stranger extant holidays...
So because your cat has a heart condition everyone else should sit at home not making any noise or having fun with life? Come on now..that's a little ridiculous to ask of the entire world. :/

I hate arguing..should they put a ban on it though? I love to speed and hate slow drivers, does that mean they should be the ones getting ticketed? How about all those kids on the cancer ward floor, should we all sit in gloom, so they don't get depressed, because they can't get up and have fun like we can?

We all have things that piss us off and make us irrational at times...but when you calm down and think about it'll see you were just being rash.

I personally don't think we should EVER stop celebrating triumph over tragedy...and I'm sure everyone who lost someone in those wars and fights..protecting our countries..would agree as well. If you don't remember and respect that loss of life and the elimination of threat...what good was it, really?

The Gunpowder Plot ·
A secret plan to overthrow the king. A mercenary returning from war abroad. Thirty six barrels of gunpowder. . .

In 1605, thirteen young men planned to blow up the Houses of Parliament. Among them was Guy Fawkes, Britain's most notorious traitor.

Bonfire Night ·
On the night of November 5th, throughout Britain, we commemorate the capture of Guy Fawkes with bonfires and fireworks, and by burning an effigy of Guy.
I'm entirely with you Wolf. Though I love those huge big firework displays, I absolutely detest those blasted things that are all noise and no "show". :grr:
i really believe they should be banned unless for public displays. my dog buzz has had 3 major ops this year and fireworks just stress him out more. i dont mind them but only if i can see them......

its not just dogs and cats but other wildlife ie bats, birds foxes etc.................
I'm with Paul on this one too.
Many kids get hold of the fireworks that are just loud bangs (thunder flashes) and they set them off all the time around here, so my dog is a nervous wreck with them.
My neighbours are considerate though and warn us dog owners if they plan on any fireworks in the garden, but i realise how frustrating it must be for those that get no warning at all.
I too think that none should be sold to the general public and only to those that have licences for public displays.
I get a herbal sedative called 'Sereneum' from Pets at Home for my dog. It works a treat... also helps her car sickness.
I don't like them either, but I don't think they should be banned, though maybe a law where you have to go away from civilization before setting them off.
Bonfire Night ·
On the night of November 5th, throughout Britain, we commemorate the capture of Guy Fawkes with bonfires and fireworks, and by burning an effigy of Guy.

It sounds like what they did to keep away witches on Halloween, have a huge bonfire and burn an effigy of a witch. It is a little odd. Although, different countries do different things! :nod:
So because your cat has a heart condition everyone else should sit at home not making any noise or having fun with life? Come on now..that's a little ridiculous to ask of the entire world. :/

where did I ask everyone to sit at home and not have fun :S
All I'm asking is those that are going to have one of these "parties"
is to spare a thought for animals.

Thanks to everyone else for the words of support, I know that I'm being an ol' worry wart
but I can't help that.
Everyone is entitled to thier own opnion and this is what happens when people stated someone it. gets mad... I am a worry wart also I hate when those fireworks goes off I wish they would take them off the market also. Peolple around here goes crazy when it comes News Years and the 4th of July..
As I am writing this there are fireworks going off outside, they have been going off for at least an hour tonight. I have been hearing them for the last 2 weeks. As its not bonfire night for another week why must the shops sell them so early.

:fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish:
Have your guys' pets never seen a storm? I know lighting blasts' really loud here sometimes. Makes fireworks nosies' sound weeney.
I have a cat and a dog, and they seem to keep to themselves on the 4th.
I dunno why fireworks are going off over there (what holliday?), but I dont really have a preferace. I think they are noisey, but I go to the events because its more of a social event with your neighbors/friends than anything else.
Fireworks ARE illegal in my state... not that it stops anyone from setting them off. Some animals do get very stressed by them - my friend's dog jumped out a window in a panic and needed surgery for all of the lascerations. Nearly died. And MANY pets go missing on 4rth of July because they jump fences or pull of of leashes in a panic.
However, since the world isn't going to change for animals any time soon, the best thing owners can do is keep their pets inside, turn up the volume on something the animal ISN'T scared of (music, TV, etc.), give "downers" prescribed by a vet in severe cases, and offer plenty of support and love.

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