Well, I wasn’t gonna even read this forum anymore – better ways to spend my time but got bored on my night off so here goes:
Nice way to validate yourself. We don't care that you have "better ways to spend your time". Please don't try to impress us with crap like that.
re horses: my goal was not to compare horses to fish in any way – I guess I should have brought up my successful breeding/sale of various types of finches, and purebred siamese cats, and mealworms/cricket feeders etc…my goal was simply to show that if I try something – I succeed way beyond expectations (I actually possess a rather high IQ and a very good work ethic and unfortunately do have issues with moronic individuals)
What a modest guy. If you are so smart, you'd know that the IQ scale is complete crap, hm? But enough about that. And if you bred those species, you must know that you have to do some research before you go off and breed them, eh? They all have different mating habits and etc. Well it just so happens that domesticated bettas are quite violent toward one another - the male is violent toward the female anytime she does not want to mate, or even just for no reason.
Chrissi…I guess the word ‘sarcasm’ is not in your vocabulary…but if they were just those veiltail mutts as feeders how would the finnage even be a waste? they are just mutts right? And if no male bettas can ever be together how do the teeny fry ever survive? And how can you even tell the difference between genders at such a young age? Did I even say that I would raise them to full size to use them? And feed to what size of fish (in a 10 gallon – how big could it even be? I’m sure a 4 foot red tail catfish would fit in there oh so comfortably with a few grown bala sharks, and oscars and a couple of arrowanas too but oh no – they might choke on those nasty pitiful fins) And what ADVICE did you give me other than that I am apparently insane? (drool some more)
and if bettas from petstores come from a “breeder who knows what they’re doing†then how could they possibly justify breeding these horribly mutated nasty veiltails? I mean, who would possibly ever want one of these pitiful things?
If sarcasm is not in my vocabulary, why would I say those terrible things about horses? Obviously I was being sarcastic. But oh well, carrying on...
I meant that, why feed something a fish with long flowing finnage when you could feed it something tastier?
I have nothing against using bettas as feeders, I just know that it's not common practice. They aren't really that meaty...
I gave you plenty of advice at first. You asked whether it's a good idea to put them in together and let them breed - I said no. I was assuming that you wanted to KEEP the babies and weren't just going to use them as feeders. If you are, I take back everything I said. Go ahead and breed the bettas - if you aren't going to raise any of them.
You said "If no male bettas can ever be together how do the teen fry ever survive?" Well, if you had actually read anything I said, you'd see that I said "Males must be separated once they become rowdy". ONCE THEY BECOME ROWDY. Did you miss that? I never said all males are agressive toward one another. They just have a strong tendency to do so. Indeed, some breeders end up with males that are only separated to avoid the spawning of more fry in the sorority tanks - these males are docile the way they were when they were younger. But, as in any case, there are ALWAYS exceptions to the rule, and these males are definitely exceptions.
What you sound like to me is a pompous ass who wanted to hear one precise answer: "Go for it! Have fun!" When I didn't give you that answer, and instead was honest, you were offended.
Now I suggest that, before you come back to me retorting that "Oh yeah well males never fight blah blah blah" that you go and do some RESEARCH.
and if bettas from petstores come from a “breeder who knows what they’re doing†then how could they possibly justify breeding these horribly mutated nasty veiltails?
You entirely missed my point. I used the word "qualified" attached to the word "breeder" to indicate those breeders who know what they are doing, and the ones who breed the bettas that go to the petstores are usually NOT those breeders. First off I don't think any real breeder would allow their beautiful betta children to rot in those tiny cups.
Are you just a troll or something? You are beginning to sound like it - you're arguing with me over things I never even said or intended.