
Fish Fanatic
Jan 21, 2005
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Hello has been a long time since i have posted on this forum lol...but everything has been the same...up until today that is ;)

I went to an lfs and i was looking around when all of a sudden BAM! i see what appears to be an oversized orangy white mickemouse i asked the salesman wat kind of fish it was (i always play dumb at fishstores you sometimes get better deals) and he told me it was an adult platy....i cannot take a picture of her yet but this thing is huge! 3 inches long and about the same wide lol....she is heavily pregnant but i cannot tell the due date yet.....also i am assuming she will have alot of question is....has anyone heard of such a giant...i mean she is at least 4 times the size of a "normal platy" i really would be curious to know how many babies she has and if anyone else has had a similar fish :D
Ive got a platy she is pretty big she is nearly as big as red tailed shark (who i think is fully grown) how big are they suppose to grow?
I don't think they're supposed to grow more than 2inchs...Although there does appear to be some rather large ones being bred today.
You sure this isn't a molly we're talking about here?
I know this thread is a few days old now but I couldn't help but mention variatus platies get a little bigger than ordinary platies (up to 3") and swordtail females are often mistaken for platies as well (and those sometimes get to 4.5"!). Hybrid swordtail/platy crosses also produce large, platy-looking fry. Ordinary platies get to 1.5".

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