Giant Gourami

Destination Doha

Fish Fanatic
Aug 24, 2010
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hi all can anyone tell me the ins and outs ot keeping Giant gourami . i have read up a bit on them but seems to be a lot of conflicting info from any keepers of them whould be great. can i keep a pair or will this lead to trouble and wat size tank is suitble for them .
thanks Doha
Which GG are you talking about??
If you are talking about the one that gets over a 1', they are going to need a big tank. I'd say around 125-150 would be suitable for just 1. I would only keep 1 of these giants. They are a nice fish but they are aggressive so you would have to choose your tankmats correctly if any. They will eat anything given to them including smaller fish. Most people don't buy gg due to size.
If you mean the smaller GG, which maxes out at around 4-5'' then its a different story. These ones are peacuufuler. You can have a pair or 2 of these. And these will eat flakes, etc. Then will only need a 55-75 to be comfartable.
thanks for the fast reply flagtail. i was thinking of the larger Giant Gourami (Osphronemus goramy)a pair whould be great but if thats not gona hapen then i can live whith that do thay suffer any inherant problems ?
cheers doha. :good:
thanks for the fast reply flagtail. i was thinking of the larger Giant Gourami (Osphronemus goramy)a pair whould be great but if thats not gona hapen then i can live whith that do thay suffer any inherant problems ?
cheers doha. :good:
I think a pair would fight. You would need 3-4 to have them school. That would need a huge tank. I would just stick with one.
ok 1 is good . iv seen GG in tanks whith realy bad choice of tank mates imo and in sum shockingly small tanks to. any advice on sutible tank mates for him/her :)
ok 1 is good . iv seen GG in tanks whith realy bad choice of tank mates imo and in sum shockingly small tanks to. any advice on sutible tank mates for him/her :)
Wow! I wonder what tankmates they had??
As for sutible tankmates, larger cichlids such as oscars, some geophagus species, jack dempseys, etc..., larger catfish such as lima shovelnose, tiger shovelnose, pictus cats, etc..., larger characins such as silverdollars, flagtail prochidolis, etc... larger barbs, and larger oddballs.
oh fish like covicts and pims even saw a utube clip that had Kuhli Loach in the same tank :sad: what about bala sharks? i have 6 all btween 8-11 inches at the mo. cheers flagtail
doha. :good:
7x3x3 whith 2x fx5s and 2 1000ltr ph powerheads just to add movment btween top and botom of the tank real dont wana push the system to the limit i also have a pair of oscars a sump tank is in the making but that a few months of yet
cheers :good:
I kept a massive one last year . It was about 22 inch long and so big in every direction
it was simply huuge. My 150g was far too small as any movement it made showed the limitations of the tank. It wasn;t actually that intersting a fish to keep compared to say an oscar I can't explain why
it wasn;t to be honest although it seemed to be at the house i got it from.

Maybe if I;d had a bigger tank I would have enjoyed it more. I just misjudged the sheer size of it when I got it,and I was given it as well
ok i wanted a gg for a long time i think i have the space . in youre opinion simonas should i go for it keeping in mind what i have allready in the tank cheers
doha :huh:
I'd get a single one rather than a pair especaially the size they get.

I would imagine the silver sharks and oscars would be fine to be honest as you have a decent size tanka :good:

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