Ghost Shrimp

the guppies loved that, they seemed to swim into it as i was pouring it. just tested my tap water and it looks like i have 0.25ppm of ammonia in there. does ammonia change in your tap water from time to time?

is nutrafin aqua plus ok to use as a water conditioner?

what do i need to get now to get ammonia out of my tap water?

nutrafin aqua plus is ok as a water conditioner, but I remember reading that it can actually give off ammonia after it is initially added. Something about the way it breaks down. That info was posted here some time ago. Generally Seachem Prime is seen as one of the best and because it is so concentrated it's also quite cheap (treats 10L with just 0.6ml).

For tap water ammonia, although it's not common some people do 'suffer' from it. Try calling your water provider and ask them for the water readings and if they know ammonia is present in the supply. It may be a temporaty issue or it could be a long-standing one.

ok thanks so i cant actually get anything for ammonia? tbh this has only started happening since i was using the water conditioner, i never used to bother using it but since i did ive lost fish!!!! can i get Seachem Prime in the UK?

my guppy is now swimming at the top trying to get air, is there anything i can do? ive tried bouncing the water a little so he can get an air gap but he just swam down then came back up when i stopped!

it says API AMMO LOCK converts it so is that worth a try? also i could use that as a conditioner?
ok thanks so i cant actually get anything for ammonia? tbh this has only started happening since i was using the water conditioner, i never used to bother using it but since i did ive lost fish!!!! can i get Seachem Prime in the UK?

it says API AMMO LOCK converts it so is that worth a try? also i could use that as a conditioner?

sorry yes, there are things you can get to remove/break down ammonia, I thought you were talking about how to stop the issue from the tap source.

Seachem Prime can be found in a few UK shops now, but it's also readily available on a certain popular aution site. Strange that your problems started after the addition of conditioner.
you normally find that
ammonia in tap water gasses
off within 24 hrs a go dechlorinator
will neutralize or lock it away
sorry yes, there are things you can get to remove/break down ammonia, I thought you were talking about how to stop the issue from the tap source.

Seachem Prime can be found in a few UK shops now, but it's also readily available on a certain popular aution site. Strange that your problems started after the addition of conditioner.

i did ring the water company and they are sending me there latest water results, thanks
you normally find that
ammonia in tap water gasses
off within 24 hrs a go dechlorinator
will neutralize or lock it away

well i have just bought some Interpet Ammonia Remover and ill see if this helps or not, hopefully this will sort out my problems. if not i will try a dechlorinator or is this ammonia remover basically do the same thing? thanks
sorry yes, there are things you can get to remove/break down ammonia, I thought you were talking about how to stop the issue from the tap source.

Seachem Prime can be found in a few UK shops now, but it's also readily available on a certain popular aution site. Strange that your problems started after the addition of conditioner.

i did ring the water company and they are sending me there latest water results, thanks
you normally find that
ammonia in tap water gasses
off within 24 hrs a go dechlorinator
will neutralize or lock it away

well i have just bought some Interpet Ammonia Remover and ill see if this helps or not, hopefully this will sort out my problems. if not i will try a dechlorinator or is this ammonia remover basically do the same thing? thanks

i think you can use it as a dechlorinator
or at least use beside your dechlorinator
read the label be for you use it it normally
like i said locks it away or turns it into ammonium
which will still show up on your test kit but is harmless
to fish i do believe
sorry yes, there are things you can get to remove/break down ammonia, I thought you were talking about how to stop the issue from the tap source.

Seachem Prime can be found in a few UK shops now, but it's also readily available on a certain popular aution site. Strange that your problems started after the addition of conditioner.

i did ring the water company and they are sending me there latest water results, thanks
you normally find that
ammonia in tap water gasses
off within 24 hrs a go dechlorinator
will neutralize or lock it away

well i have just bought some Interpet Ammonia Remover and ill see if this helps or not, hopefully this will sort out my problems. if not i will try a dechlorinator or is this ammonia remover basically do the same thing? thanks

i think you can use it as a dechlorinator
or at least use beside your dechlorinator
read the label be for you use it it normally
like i said locks it away or turns it into ammonium
which will still show up on your test kit but is harmless
to fish i do believe

i did read before i used and it reckons that this actually removes the ammonia after 2 hours. ill right what it says on the label.

Directions for use

1. Add a 25ml measure of Ammonia remover for every 113 litres (25 Gals),to a pint of water(so my 30 litres would be 5-6ml in a quarter of a pint), and spread thios evenly over the aquraium surface.

2. Wait 2 hours to allow complete circulation and mixing of the aquarium and retest with an Ammonium tablet or liquid test kit.

3, Repeat dose if necessary to get the Ammoinia level below 0.1mg/l.

4. The ideal Amonnia level is 0mg/l. Check and eliminate the cause of the excess Ammonia and boost filter bacteria.

heres the shrimp but hard to see properly, first one is my cherry shrimp. are the other ones ghost shrimp?




i can try and get better ones if these dont help identify them!!!
just got bacvk and that guppy is dead. devastated, ive lost 6 fish in a space of 2 weeks, 5 in a space of a few days!!!!

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