Ghost Shrimp


Fish Fanatic
May 18, 2010
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i have two ghost shrimp and they are slowly killing my fish, came home today and found a neon dead with its tail missing. a guppy was a gonna the other week. both of these fish wernt fully grown but the rest of my stock are.

how do i get the ghost shrimp out, i have a biorb so it is gonna be more difficult than it already is as they are fast movers and good hiders! especially as they are clear!

i cant imagine ghost
shrimp killing fish I'll
stand corrected like but
cant see it myself
A shrimp will NOT kill your fish unless its tiny ..... then its still doubtful... If I were you would find out why the fish are dying.... the shrimp will scavenge anything thats allready dead
i did water change yesterday and the fish only started dying after i got the ghost shrimp :sad:

ill do the stats now
Yea the shrimp are the least likely subjects. If anything the fish would eat them. Also, the bioload of the shrimp isn't enough to drasticaaly change your stats so it's most likely something that's been brewing for a little while. How long has the tank been set up and did you do fishless or fish-in cycling?
If you`ve got ghost shrimp
Stuck in yer tank
Who ya gonna call ...

sorry, couldn`t resist :blush:
my stats are

Ammonia 0.25ppm
Nitrite 0ppm
Nitrate 5ppm

my tanks been set up for over 6 months and the neon that died has been in there for around 5 months. i did a fish in cycle.

are you 100% sure they are ghost shrimp? There are some species of shrimp that will readily eat live fish and look a bit similar to ghosts. Do you have a picture?
my stats are

Ammonia 0.25ppm
Nitrite 0ppm
Nitrate 5ppm

my tanks been set up for over 6 months and the neon that died has been in there for around 5 months. i did a fish in cycle.


there's you problem you need to
get that ammonia down its far to high
it will be that .that is contributing to
the deaths you are having do a 30% water change
also why you are just test you tap water for ammonia
my stats are

Ammonia 0.25ppm
Nitrite 0ppm
Nitrate 5ppm

my tanks been set up for over 6 months and the neon that died has been in there for around 5 months. i did a fish in cycle.


Definately need to get the ammonia (and nitrate) to 0.00ppm if possible.
Also Neon Tetras do badly in newly set up tanks :no:
i need two people to do a water change as i need to hold the bucket high so we camn shyphon it out otherwise i will have to pour it straight into the tank and wont that disturb the fish?

also the neon tetras arnt new!
You dont need to sysphon into the tank, direct from the bucket is ok as long as the water temp. is within a few degreess of the tank (check with your hand). The only issue is if you pour it too fast it may move/disturb any plants or ornaments you have in there.
You dont need to sysphon into the tank, direct from the bucket is ok as long as the water temp. is within a few degreess of the tank (check with your hand). The only issue is if you pour it too fast it may move/disturb any plants or ornaments you have in there.

the guppies loved that, they seemed to swim into it as i was pouring it. just tested my tap water and it looks like i have 0.25ppm of ammonia in there. does ammonia change in your tap water from time to time?

is nutrafin aqua plus ok to use as a water conditioner?

what do i need to get now to get ammonia out of my tap water?

thanks for all the help, i will post the pics of them "ghost shrimp" later aswell

i woke up to another female guppy gone and another is swimming funny so just waiting on you guys to let me no what i need so i can go to the pet shop and get it

the guppies loved that, they seemed to swim into it as i was pouring it. just tested my tap water and it looks like i have 0.25ppm of ammonia in there. does ammonia change in your tap water from time to time?

is nutrafin aqua plus ok to use as a water conditioner?

what do i need to get now to get ammonia out of my tap water?

nutrafin aqua plus is ok as a water conditioner, but I remember reading that it can actually give off ammonia after it is initially added. Something about the way it breaks down. That info was posted here some time ago. Generally Seachem Prime is seen as one of the best and because it is so concentrated it's also quite cheap (treats 10L with just 0.6ml).

For tap water ammonia, although it's not common some people do 'suffer' from it. Try calling your water provider and ask them for the water readings and if they know ammonia is present in the supply. It may be a temporaty issue or it could be a long-standing one.

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