Ghost Shrimp And A Fiddler Crab Disappeared, Was It The Pictus?


New Member
Feb 8, 2006
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I have been reading up in my Pictus here on the board and there have been several referances to the fact that they are Predatory at heart. Think A single Pictus could go through 10 Ghost shrimp and a fiddler crab in a span of a few months?


If he is the culprit, should I continue to sacrifice a few .05 cent ghost shrimp just to keep his diet "well rounded"? :hey:
Pictus ARE predatory catfish, I think he now loves you very much for providing him with exellent meals and would like you to carry on :)

If you dont mind your shrimp going to be piscine cuisine then thats good, we feed ghost shrimp to our marine fish and they love it.

Steve :)
The crab probably died of inflicted natural causes, they are brackish dwelling animals and being kept in a freshwater aquarium would have slowly killed it.
The shrimp would have been snacks of the highest quality, a single pictus could eat 10 in a night let alone in a few months. :lol:
If the ghost shrimp were small enough for the pictus to eat them then that's probably what happened. They are definately a predatory catfish. Mine has eaten guppies before.

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