ghost knife

:X definately advise moveing out that extra knife, you'll get others in here fast saying the same it's not just fighting you should never keep to electric fish in the same tank it disrupts their electric fields an makes it hard for them to see
well i've had them for about a year now and they don't seem to bother each other, one actually seems to have dominance over the other. i've recently upgraded to an 80gall tank and they're getting a bit torn up from my another fish. i'd like to find new homes for them :(
I've had bgk for a long time. I have always had 2-3 in a tank.It's just a myth that they don't get along,that the electrical field confuses them etc...
I've had them with everything from discus to severums,to community fish.
Anything not aggressive and not small enough to be eaten will work well.

check out my pics in the pic can see how well they get along...those three have been in that tank together for over a year now....not one problem.

as far as feeding

algae wafers
brine shrimp
blood worms
mine actually eat cichlid pellets as well...

almost forgot

the tube needed is a myth as well...i have never used anything like that...
lots of plants...lots of floating plants,rocks,driftwood...

mine are out all day...not shy in any way

and they hand feed as well....


You guys are saying that these fish get big but take a long time to get big. I have a BGK but have also got ottos and guppies in the same tank.
I get the feeling that my BGK will eat these fish eventually. I also have mollys and gouramis and 1 betta. 1 upside down cat fish, 5 corys and I think that is it. If i was to move the guppies and the ottos would my BGK be ok with the other fish I have? I quite like this fish but don't want it eating anything else. My tank is only 3' long, 1' high and 1' wide. Will the BGK be ok in this tank or is it going to get too big. Am I better finding a new home for it now before I get attached?
Ok then go ahead and do it, mine has killed guppies and platys, and almost ripped apart a elepant nose when i put it in the tank.
Its a risk so go ahead and do it if you really want to. That pic above is a pic of a young knife, im guessing 3 years old.
BlueIce: You say they dont need tubes, but yet when you put one in the tank they will go to sleep right away in it. They love them, i wouldnt say that they need them to live, but why not make them happy?
Are you saying my bgk's don't look happy? Do you think they have tubes in the wild?

No...they have rock caves,planted areas and open space...I prefer recreating a more natural habitat...

kaz petts

A 6 inch knife can and will eat guppy size fish. If you want this fish long term you need at least a 90 gallon tank.
Your telling me ghosts in the wild swim in opens waters? thats a first.
I dont belive i stated they have tubes in the wild but i did say they feel more at home, it makes them feel safe, and why not do somthing nice for them?
Vip said:
Your telling me ghosts in the wild swim in opens waters? thats a first.
I dont belive i stated they have tubes in the wild but i did say they feel more at home, it makes them feel safe, and why not do somthing nice for them?
i don't believe i was saying they are known for swimming in wide open waters...

you aren't listening...

to do something nice doesn't mean you need a plastic tube... a rock cave and dense planting is much more natural and more comfortable for them. :)

exactly how many bgk have you had and how long?

obviously mine feel safer then most people's bgk...mine are out playing all the time and hand tamed....a skittish ,uncomfortable animal wouldn't be that way :)
Ive had 3 in the past and this is my 4th, had them close to 4 years now, but theres not a chance in hell you will see this one swimming around in this tank, its much to bright, it prefers to stay in a tube under a large log i have in there.
You can hand feed any bgk there really friendly. In my other tank he was out all the time because it had plants and was really really dense. Now when i want to see him or feed him i turn off the tank light and put the bedroom light on witch is bright enough to see him well.
I wonder why nobody has answered the original question that started this whole topic... The original question that I asked is if my bgk will go alright with tinfoil barbs, upside down catfish, and clown loaches.
Vip said:
Ive had 3 in the past and this is my 4th, had them close to 4 years now, but theres not a chance in hell you will see this one swimming around in this tank, its much to bright, it prefers to stay in a tube under a large log i have in there.
You can hand feed any bgk there really friendly. In my other tank he was out all the time because it had plants and was really really dense. Now when i want to see him or feed him i turn off the tank light and put the bedroom light on witch is bright enough to see him well.
In my other tank he was out all the time because it had plants and was really really dense.

see my point? ;)

my tank is very bright,but well planted and lots of nooks and crannies...the bgk are comfy and well adapted in this environment ....


it was i said,any fish that isn't too aggressive and can't fit into the bgk mouth.
Look for the lot of you i am an experienced BGK fish keeper. i have had them for years!!!!!!!!
They are one of my favourie fish.

You should have no problems them providing that you have ample hinding places for them to hide as they are very sensitive to the light, and very shy generally (individually vary)
GKN are very fast moving, slow growing inquisitive fish. feeding should be no problem if you feed when the lights are out.

Keeping more than one in a tank is generally not advised although if you study their natural enviroment you will find that they live together piecfully in swamp and bracish water lakes and rivers.
It is not advised in aquarium as when the fish get pissed off with each other they have no where to escape to away from the rest. In the wild these fish can just swim away to a retreat.

hence why these fish are hard to breed. they are so damb tempremental with each other.

their electric feilds can be a hinderance to each other. But as i said above providing that you have large enough tank (and i mean a big one) and hidy holes
you should have no probs. :p
I wonder why nobody has answered the original question that started this whole topic... The original question that I asked is if my bgk will go alright with tinfoil barbs, upside down catfish, and clown loaches.

your bgk will be alright with tinfoil barbs only if its really big like 10+ "

if not, i dont recommend keeping it with barbs

other then that, cathfish and clown loaches would be fine.

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