nah same as any euphylia, grape coral i think the coman name is... nice find
the gorg is super easy just give it decent light, high flow (not direct) and jeep it away from stingy things
just be carfull with gorgs as you can very easily pick up something that requires feeding... if in doubt just ask
thats not to say you cant have NPS gorgsmaybe you would like to step into the shade with me for a wee chat on azoox's
indeed they are..... sort of easy to keep aswell (cough) need very little in the light department.... may need the odd feed now and again.....
lol you cannot begin to imagine the crazy foods we have to use
if the smell makes you wanna spew then its likely to be good NPS food
ummm ive not seen any on here but if you ever find yourself down my way i can sort you out with a piece of my brown one i believe its a brown Muriceopsis flavida