Getting Myself Some Panda Corries


WHAT! You went over my Helmet!
Aug 9, 2004
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Would you guys say that £5 each for panda corries is a lot?

I have found a guy who can order fish for me and thats what he is charging, just seems quite steep to me, especially when I need to buy a group of them.

it not a bad price
i remember buying some
when they first become
popular i think i payed about
8 or 9 pound for them so i would
say a fiver is OK
In my LFS, Panda Corys are £3.50 so £5 each is quite steep :crazy:
Mine were also a bit expensive I think - £4 each a couple of years ago - I bought 4 of them and they all died within a few weeks...

Shame, cos they were ever so tiny and cute to watch. I think some may have been eaten by the other fish (I assume as soon as they died) as I only ever found the body of 1 of them.

Yeah, they are very fragile little fish. I didn't know that at the time I bought them as I'd not come across them before. I'd gone into my LFS for some more sterbai but they had none. I saw the panda's and decided I'd have those instead. Stupid thing to do, really, as it was a lot of money considering how tiny they were. The fact that they are so delicate means you have to be absolutely spot on with their tank requirements and even then there's no guarantees they will survive.

There are, obviously, some who manage to keep them successfully, so if you really like them don't let us put you off. Just sharing our experience so that you're aware of the risk involved. All I can suggest up as much as you can on them beforehand then you'll be better prepared than I was.

Regards, Athena
I paid 3 for £10 for mine. Got 6, only got 2 left a few weeks later :sad: But these little guys are strong :D Will be on the lookout for more soon though. They dont shoal with the other corys either which is a shame. My three-lines and bronze shoal together though. The pygmys shoal with their own too, and the tetras :rolleyes:
I suppose that the norm then, cool I just wanted to check. Maybe I will order a wee group first to see how they get on.

Cheers folks
there's a guy in stockton selling 10 for £18

he orders fish in bulk and sells them on cheap, but I've never seen them cheaper than £3.00ea in shops
there's a guy in stockton selling 10 for £18

he orders fish in bulk and sells them on cheap, but I've never seen them cheaper than £3.00ea in shops

Thats is a good price, I live north of Inverness, so needless to say finding a good supplier is quite hard, there is one in lossie but thats £80 miles from me!!

I managed to get 10 rummy nose tetras for £1.60 each which I thought was pretty good. I am going to get the panda corries next time me thinks
I just bought 4 today to go with my albino corries, payed 2.95 each :) think I clicked though as he hadn't priced them up yet and said he could do them at that price for me :)
hope they all survive :)
#92### good to see someone else on the forum north of inverness vadar. I've got a guy who orders me fish to, i'll ask him how much he can get them for.

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