hey all hope all is well
to my amasement i found a local breeder wh breeds ghost shrimp for extreamly cheap (any kind of freash water shrimps are very rear in sa) and i would just like to know the following: how hardy are they?, tankmates?, are they easy to breed?,how to breed?, food?, and how many would fit in a 100L and what is there tempermeant towards each other and other tankmates such as guppies and platties thanks a bunch
to my amasement i found a local breeder wh breeds ghost shrimp for extreamly cheap (any kind of freash water shrimps are very rear in sa) and i would just like to know the following: how hardy are they?, tankmates?, are they easy to breed?,how to breed?, food?, and how many would fit in a 100L and what is there tempermeant towards each other and other tankmates such as guppies and platties thanks a bunch