So, I've been wanting to get a camera that can take high quality pictures of my fish, but I have a very limited budget. I'd appreciate advice on which brands to look for. Thanks!!
You dont need massive megapixels, 6 or so in a compact camera is sufficent, increasing the megapixels on a small sensor just causes noise issues and degrades the images, especially if you blow up the picture
labout specific rechargeable batteries - I would personally try to choose one with these. IME they last much longer, and you can easliy find replacements on ebay for a few £.
on a budget I would look at the Fuji finepix range, & unless you want to print bigger than A4 (12x8) then anything over about 6mp will be fine
whats your budget?
I prefer cameras that take dedicated batteries instead of AA or AAA, my mum has a Nikon S100 which comes with a plug in charger that charges batteries, you can always buy a spare battery and keep them both charged.
AA/AAA's work out expensive in the long run
If rechargeable AA's etc were so great why dont all the top end DSLR's use them?