German blue rams

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May 18, 2020
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I recently got 3 rams 2 of them look like German blue rams but one of them does have the vibrant colors German blue usually do was wondering if he was an electric blue ray but he has a black stripe down his eye maybe he’s too young & colors haven’t came in?
They are all under an inch so I’m guessing they’re still babies???
I am not sure, but yes, maybe they are still small.

Where did you get them from? Does the previous owner not know how old they are?
I hope this helps. :)
I got the at a lfs here are some pics lmk if you need better ones I’ll try


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So that one with less color died this morning & I tested my water ammonia was at 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 0 ph is at 8 is that 2 high ph for then almost got 1 baby angel 2 much bigger ones but not full grown a albino pleco & 6 cardinal tetras had 7 but one died this morning too what could’ve caused those 2 too die
There are several possible reasons for the fish deaths. You will have to give us more data, including the following.

Tank size (volume and dimensions)
How long has this tank been running with fish?
Water parameters, GH and pH and temperature here.
What are the fish (species and numbers) in the tank?
Water changes, frequency and volume.
Any additives/products added to the tank water?
Tank size is a 29 gal
Got the tank 5/6 waited for it too cycle until 5/17 that’s when I added the pleco I had in another tank 5.5 gal & I bought 3 angels 2 are about 2 inches in height & one that was about quarter height has gotten a little bigger since. Added cardinal tetras 6 & 3 rams on Friday 6/5 I have never tested for gh don’t have that test yet :/ but ph is 8.0. I changed water about 2 days before i got the neons & rams was about 5 gals I replaced did add 1 tablespoon of aquarium salt & api stress zyme & stress coat
Did you just let the tank run for 11 days, or did you add ammonia or a bacterial starter?
Or are there a lot of live plants in the tank?

Without live plants, letting the tank run is not cycling.

What are the ammonia, and nitrite readings for the tank water?
And as Byron asked, what is the GH (hardness) and water temperature?
Yes 11 days did add that bacterial starter. I have a pretty big amazon swords in there with 3 moss balls my water testing was in one of the replies but ammonia was 0 nitrite 0 nitrate was 0 ph is at 8.0 just did it this morning when I was the ram dead gh I wouldn’t know since I don’t have that test yet. Temp is around 82-84 have a pre set heater.. fluval M heater
Sorry, missed the bit about the plants :blush:

Does your water provider give your hardness on their website?
No you were the first that asked if I had plants no worries & I don't know to be honest but I usually use water from places that sell purified drinking water I don’t really use my tap water unless don’t have enough still tap water conditioner though
The reason I asked all that is that so many people seem to think that just letting a tank run is cycling. But live plants take up ammonia and with a good amount of live plants you don't need to cycle the tank in the non-plant way (by adding ammonia and/or a bacterial starter)

The purified water - do you mean something like distilled or reverse osmosis?

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