German Blue Mating Behaviour...or Fighting?


Mar 10, 2010
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Hi there,
Still haven't a clue wether I have 2 male or a male and a female GBR. However tonight, for the first time they have been chasing each other and kinda butting?
I am guessing this is aggressive behaviour and am also guessing this is indicating that they are 2 males, however my LFS are insisting its mating behaviour.
Can anyone help?
Amy xx
Hi Amy

The 'head butting' is typical Ram behaviour, and is 'territorial'... usually between two males. They are working out who is the 'alpha male' if you like. It is harmless and amazing to watch.

The best ways to spot the difference between males and females is to look at the large black 'spot' on the sides of the body. The female has small irridescent spots within the large black spot, whilst the males do not. The males are also usually larger and the females sometimes have a bright red belly when in breeding condition.

Hope this helps.

Best wishes

I have this kinda thing going on with my Bolivians, told I had a pair by the LFS now one chases the other and occasionally butts it, got told its normal breeding behaviour but I think otherwise too :sad:
Well one of mine seems to have a black spot with blue around it, whereas the other seems to have the blue going all the way through it. They are still really young though so the black spot isn't as obvious yet. I haven't seen them acting like this since though, so they either like each other again or one has given up haha. One is slightly smaller than the other but you can only tell when they are together xx

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