Geophagus Jurupari Is Sick

Can you post a picture up of the fish.
Just scared of the infections taking hold of the fish and start to rot the cheeks away.

So will i have to recycle the 10 gallon after words? 
But you can take mature filter sponges from other tanks when needed.
Getting a pic with my phone atm, my camera is dead.
Here it is, see from the old pics it looks to be healing up.

Not the best images though

The fungus has gone almost all the way on her eye and completely gone on top fin.
How is she in herself?
If you are happy and confident with using the melafix keep treating.
If it starts to get worse than I would definately buy the other medication.
She is totally normal, eating like normal, she does hide in the corner when im near but when im not moving or out of the room shes out and about trying to get out. Ok if it starts to head south then ill look into new meds.
Bless her.
She sounds OK.
Good Luck.
Woohoo, its definitely working, suspecting shell be healed in the next 2 to 3 days.
Woohoo, its definitely working, suspecting shell be healed in the next 2 to 3 days.
That's good news.
Thanks for the update.
Since I used melafix i won't have to re-cycle right?
But just check your water stats as it might have knocked it slightly.

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