Geophagus Jurupari Is Sick

Hows the fish doing?
I haven't been able to get to the fish store for 3 days now :( the cheeks started to get worse and there's no stretch marks left, just a white area that looks like its going deeper, so I'm treating with melafix because it's the only thing I have, it does look like fungus on her eye and top fin, but idk what's on her cheeks. Do you know why sh got this but none of my other fish? Is that normal?
Is there any pink, or red areas in the white patch on the cheeks.
You need to get some antibiotics as it sounds like it could turn into a hole.
Start eating the cheek area away.
From what I saw it started to turn slightly pinkish, very faint though, ima try really hard to get to the pet store tomorrow so what do you recommend I buy, I can read the labels to see what I need to look for, I just don't know what to look for in the bottles if that makes sense.
It could be an ulcer. Ulcer are pink, or red, with a circling of dead white tissue around the edges.
I don't like the sound of it.
You need an antibiotic. Ask the LFS for medications like maracyn plus, tetracycline. Just ask for a good
You really need to get a medication fast.
If it's going deeper it sounds like it going to ulcerate.
Good Luck.
I cant add anything to Wilder's advice regarding medication, but I see from the pics that it is now in a hospital tank, keep the lights off as much as possible the bare bottom reflecting the light will be stressing it, I know normally it is better to have a bare bottomed hospital tank but Jurupari are very sensitive regarding substrate. I hope he pulls through.
Yea i had to put some sand in there for her, and i put decor in there for her to feel safer, ill turn off the lights thank you.
Did you manage to get hold of a medication?
My mom is supposed to take me around 7pm here and then ima pick up the meds, i dont think i can get antibiotics because i asked my main LFS if he had any and he said their really hard to get.
What bacterial medications does the LFS sell.
Hows the fish?
Im actually not sure, it was two products by seachem, i think seachem neoplex and sechem metronidazole
It actually is healing up! I only put some melafix in there yesterday and it appears to be working, should i proceed with further treatment?
So will i have to recycle the 10 gallon after words?

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