Geophagus Jurupari Is Sick


Fish Herder
Jan 12, 2014
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I can get photos late tomorrow on US time, but her name is jewels and she has what looks like fungus around her eye, and is losing pigment on her cheeks from the looks of it, is how id describe it. I have her in a 10 gallon hospital tank awaiting treatment. I only have melafix on hand atm, what do you think it could be?
I gotta add she still eats and acts normally.
Ima get test results right now.
75 gallon-
Ammonia- 0ppm
Nitrite- 0ppm
pH- 7.4
Nitrates- 80ppm used to be higher but ive been trying really hard to get it down.

10 gallon-
Ammonia- 0ppm
Nitrite- 0ppm
pH- 7.4
Nitrates- 0ppm
Columnaris (Cotton Wool Disease)? Somewhat kind looks like fin rot on back fin, maybe Cataracts on eyes? Mouth or Body Fungus or True Fungus (Saprolegnia), when i get pictures it will be much easier to describe.
The white line under her gill is part of the plant

Its gross and i dont know if this helps but heres her poos

Please anyone who is good with illnesses she needs help. :(
Do the cheeks look bleached out. Like bleaching beneath the skin? As it
hard to tell in the pictures you have loaded up onto the site.
I would try and get some maracyn 1 & 2, tetracycline.
Its kinda like stretch marks on her skin.
If the fish is in isolation I would buy some tetracycline.
Does the fish rest for long periods of time on the bottom.?
Does the fsih lean to one side when resting?
Hows the fish breathing?
In the 75 gallon she was moving 100% normal but in the 10 gallon she has been laying on the floor up right though and not touching the floor, shes breathing normally as well. i have a towel over the tank with the lights off, where can i buy tetracyline?
Just make sure the white marks are not rotting the skin away.
Keep an eye on the mouth area, for white cotton strands, fluffy cotton wool, rotting.
Swollen mouth.
I don't live  in the states but you should be able to buy online, or
maybe a  LFS.
But I would try the LFS first as it will be quicker.
If anymore problems don't hesitate on posting back on your thread.
Good LUck.
Im in the states so any hesitation was because i was sleeping sorry. Thanks for the help ill get the meds tomorrow hopefully.
Thanks, this is what she looked like before.

Idk if this helps but yea
Stunning fish. So cute. And tank looks lovely.
Never kept them so don't really know much about them.
Thank you and yea i really want her to pull through :(

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